"The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson says that providing health care for all Americans by 2010 in not realistic," said Kucinich. "Yet we are already paying enough money to do it, but much of that money is going not to health care but to the unnecessary expenses of the for-profit health insurance industry. Every other industrialized nation has eliminated that waste. We do not need money to solve this crisis. We need a single-payer system.
"If we did need money, however, it is clear that the Bush Administration believes we have it, judging by the proposals to spend trillions on new tax cuts, privatizing Social Security, a missile defense system that can't pass tests, an ongoing war in Iraq, and an elaborate mission to Mars. Where are our priorities?
"Almost 10 percent of New Hampshire residents (9.9 percent) were uninsured in 2002. Under the Bush Administration's Medicare Plan 11,970 New Hampshire Medicare beneficiaries will lose their employer-based retiree health benefits, and 18,300 seniors will pay more for the prescription drugs they need.
"My fellow Democrats plans to spend more money to cover a few more people and contribute to the for-profit insurance companies' coffers will not get us out of the hole we keep digging deeper. My proposal for truly universal single-payer health care will.
"This is a national crisis. According to Families USA, the number of people uninsured in this country now exceeds the combined population of 24 states and Washington DC. Now that's what I call a voting block! I'm not running for insurance salesman in chief. I'm running for President. Let's take back our country."