Dear Mr Matthews,
You seem to have experienced a great deal of joy with regard to Governor Dean's shrill concession in Iowa. Let's review events, if you could take a moment? Governor Dean had 3,500 supporters come into the state, flooding the area, showing their support of his campaign and ideals. He came in 3rd, a disappointing showing. Rather than sulk in his room and lick his wounds, he came out and gave his all for those supporters. His throat was obviously torn, he was sick, but he came out for his people. To paraphrase his words, "they gave their all for me, I could do no less in return." And with his throat he yelled a full-throated, enthusiastic yell: "yeah!" I WISH we had a president that had that much devotion to the citizens of the US!!!! I WISH we had a president who cared about us average, every day joes who earn a salary and support a family.
You political jokers have made fun of Howard Dean the entire week for supporting his people, and you haven't even remotely touched on the State of the Union Address in which that pissant (oh, pardon me, the SELECTED president Bush...it's good to have the Supreme Court in your pocket) demands we block civil unions/gay marriage rights, you didn't have the chutzpah to address the tax cuts which are driving our nation into bankruptcy, you didn't think to address the unfunded mandate of "No child left behind." You didn't talk about the 3 million+ jobs which have been lost under Bush. You promise to play hardball. It would be a great show if you actually followed through with that promise, but to do that you can't roll over and play dead like our democratic congress, you might acually have to stand up for something.
You think you're playing hardball, maybe you might one day ask what relation Prescott Bush had with the Nazi party. Go ahead, prove me wrong. Otherwise, I have to assume your Hardball is little more than a neutered cow and your voice is nothing more than the diminishing bleats of the surgery.