I am sick and tired of being flattened like a steamroller over a grub worm. I am sick and tired of our debate being framed by our opponents. Peter Jennings should be ashamed of himself. Before last night I had great respect for Peter Jennings. ABC News has been the only network to show an ounce of objectivity covering the Bush administration and the Iraq War. Surely he would have looked into the comments made by Moore before deciding to ask that question the way chose to. Being a reporter makes that a fair assumption, I would think. Sadly, however he didn't. If he had he would have seen stories in the Boston Globe, Washington Post and New Republic, among others, that cast doubt on the issue of whether or not Bush was absent from his service in the Guard for 12-18 months.
Maybe that is the word Jennings would have preferred. Absent. "The General vs. the Absentee" is what Moore should have said!!!
And then O'Reilly, that paltry microbe, tries to crush Clark's candidacy because he won't give that ego-maniacal fool an interview. The Moore issue simply gave him the excuse he needed to verbally asassinate him. This whole incident took place last week, not last night. I read about what Moore said at the rally the day after it happened. I hope O'Reilly jumps on Bush's ass when, in the fall, he is on stage at a rally with Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell. Let's see, Falwell blamed single moms and homosexuals for the attacks on the World Trade Center towers and Pat Robertson recently wished a nuclear bomb be dropped on the State Department. I wonder if these qualify as "character smears" or "negativity" to Mr. O'Reilly. Maybe he will wait until Bush makes his way to Bob Jones University for the second time until he figures out that the President might be associating himself with a radical segment of our society.
And there Donna Brazille was, taking it like the trooper she is. Apparently Brazille isn't content rendering Al Gore a spineless bloke in the 2000 election - she wants to do it to the whole freakin' party. Is this the best the Democrats have to offer up to these swindling Repugs? They must be salivating at every opportunity they get when her name shows up on the guest sheet.
I'm sorry, but it's nut-cuttin' time. The way to counter this is not to cower. We have nothing to be ashamed of or regretful for. We must be artful and intelligent when defending ourselves. I am glad this issue has been brought up. If this is what it takes for the mainstream media to look into the matter then Clark will gladly take the punch.