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Eleanor Clift: Post-Iowa Politics ("Dukakisize" Kerry)

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:14 AM
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Eleanor Clift: Post-Iowa Politics ("Dukakisize" Kerry)
Eleanor Clift makes a good case as to why Kerry would be unelectable in November, and why Edwards would be a stronger candidate:

Post-Iowa Politics
Dean fumbles, Kerry rumbles. How it affects the race for the Oval OfficeWEB EXCLUSIVE
By Eleanor Clift
Updated: 5:50 p.m. ET Jan. 23, 2004

The Republican attack machine is gearing up. The plan is to "Dukakisize" Kerry, turning him into a clone of the wonkish former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis who lost to Bush's father in 1988. If John Edwards is the nominee, the GOP will portray him as "The Breck Girl," turning his good looks against him and portraying him as lightweight. "I believe the White House would least like to run against Edwards," says a Republican strategist. As the son of a mill worker, Edwards is best able to mount an attack on Bush's Achilles heel: the perception that he's on the side of corporate interests against the little guy. Assailing Edwards as a sleazy trial lawyer won't work, the strategist believes: "Look at all the lawyer shows on television. People like guys suing the big guys, and he knows how to play to a jury."

The other line of attack on Edwards, just as dicey, would be painting him as a lightweight, then asking voters: in a time of terror, do you trust someone who just got involved in politics? It's the strategy that was used against Bush in 2000, and it didn't work, says the GOP strategist. "They'll paint Edwards as light, that he lacks gravitas, but when Edwards shows up for the debate, he's not going to be a lightweight."

Kerry is easier to demonize. He has a long record of conventionally liberal votes. His campaign was rescued by the Kennedy machine. "He's Kennedy's Mini-Me," says the GOP strategist. Details from his time as leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in 1971 will be spread around in a way to make him appear duplicitous. Early on, when Kerry first appeared to be the front runner, Republicans salivated at the prospect of running a cultural war against him. One GOP operative was quoted saying, "He looks French."
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AP Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:20 AM
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1. Good point about Edwards. You can cast him as dumb all you want.
Edited on Sat Jan-24-04 03:21 AM by AP
But the minute you listen to him talk, it'll kill you. It'll be a case of exceedign expectations.

Lowering the bar and then just skimming the top was how they made Bush look like a champion. What are they going to do with Edwards? Lower than bar and then watch him clear it by a mile when all eyes are turned to him?

That's the opposite of what they did with Gore. With Gore they raised expectations so high. Remember all the talk about how Gore had dismantled whomever in earlier debates? They raised expectations for him so high that when he came out sighing and wearing all that rouge, people were like, "I thought we were going to see something good. I'm looking at an annoying grown man in makeup trying to cover up a lisp by talking too slow."

So, I don't know how lowering expectations is going to work with Edwards.
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Guaranteed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 07:21 AM
Response to Reply #1
12. You know that I really think about it...
Edited on Sat Jan-24-04 07:23 AM by BullGooseLoony
I mean, really....

I think John Edwards is going to be inaugerated as our next president, Jan 20th, 2005.

He needs to wrap up the nomination, though, which won't be as easy as beating Bush.

On edit: He seems like a southern JFK.
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OKHRANA Donating Member (143 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:23 AM
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2. Edwards is there for the second slot..
For whoever wins. He's got the slot, it was worked out in back rooms, because he's a Southerner.

And the Republicans will do to him what they think was done to Quayle in 88, but it won't work.

Either Clark, Kerry, or possibly Dean will be on top.

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isbister Donating Member (902 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:32 AM
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3. Would we be so shocked if
Kerry turned it around on them and embraced the Kennedys?

Well see a lot of JFK and RFK said, and JFK and RFK did, stuff.... and Ted too.
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overground1 Donating Member (322 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:40 AM
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4. Elanor Clift is a hack and just trotted out a bunch of Limbaugh cliches
In fact her "GOP strategist" was none other than Rush on his own show. He is the one who said "Look at all the lawyer shows on television. People like guys suing the big guys, and he knows how to play to a jury." and he also said "I believe the White House would least like to run against Edwards". In fact, Limbaugh is the one who made every single quote Clift used in that piece. Only when he said it he was doing it in jest, trying to fool people. And it looks like he found his fool.

He's also the one who came up with "Breck Girl", and that John Kerry "looks French".

Clift really needs to do her own damn homework and stop being such a fraud.

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krkaufman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:55 AM
Response to Reply #4
7. ROG talking points
Edited on Sat Jan-24-04 04:04 AM by krkaufman
You may be right, but it's very possible that Rush and Clift's "GOP strategist" are different people -- working off the same Republican talking points. They're clever and well-organized bastids.

For the ROG's true criticisms of each candidate, go to Look for the "Democrats in DEPTH" icons two-thirds of the way down the page.

p.s. I find it humorous that they haven't updated their "Democrat Poll Watch" page since December 22nd.

Are they a bit concerned that "Unnamed Democrat" is beating Shrub in some polls?
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overground1 Donating Member (322 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:00 AM
Response to Reply #7
8. No, it was Limbaugh. Clift is a lazy journalist.
The mystery strategist called John Kerry Ted Kennedy's "mini-me". His "MINI-ME" for godssakes!
Who the hell else do you think would say that?

Clift waited three days, then reprinted Limbaugh word for word.
It was all a ploy, because Edwards polls the worst in a head to head match up against Bush. Rush just wants to stir the pot.
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krkaufman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:50 AM
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5. What a crock
Eleanor Clift writes an analysis based on feedback from a Republican strategist, and she takes the shill's word at face value. Has she been brain-damaged from too many years under McLaughlin's control?

Crikey! The GOP guy/gal implies that Edwards would clean-up in a debate. No question Edwards would destroy W in a debate, but who thinks they're going to allow *ANY* debates!?!?

Were Edwards to get the VP nod, the VP debate would be the one to watch -- Edwards vs Cheney. Yikes!, that could be a brawl.


IMO, this year, the Republicans most fear Kerry and Clark (not necessarily in that order). No question that Edwards kicks all their butts in debating and stumping skills, and Dean did the most to put some spine into the Democratic candidates, but the ROG fear the candidate's with military experience.
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JI7 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 03:52 AM
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6. Edwards is a good candidate
i would be happy with him. kerry is still my favorite and i'm sticking with him in the primary. but if edwards wins it, i could easily support him in november.
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flaminbats Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:06 AM
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9. Doesn't shrub also look French???
but they both think they are above the law...Kerry wants to go around punching law-abiding citizens in the face, while shrub feels that he can torture and kill any American citizen in the name of 9/11!
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Jim Sagle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:13 AM
Response to Reply #9
10. "Kerry wants to go around punching law-abiding citizens in the face"
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Piperay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 04:23 AM
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11. Looking French...BAD
looking and sounding like an IDIOT...good???? :wtf:
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Lexingtonian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 07:30 AM
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13. pretty fitting

If what she says on 'The McLaughlin Group' is indicative, Eleanor Clift never quite got past 1992/1994. The world has moved on since, though, and maybe someone forgot to send her the memo. She seems a bit too easily persuaded by this assessment.
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Guaranteed Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 07:40 AM
Response to Reply #13
14. You know what the funny thing is?
Now, I'm not an Edwards supporter...but, she might be right.

I think Bush is ripe to be knocked out, and I think people are looking for a fresh face, a change, someone that speaks well and has that southern, trustworthy charm. People are sick of Bush- they're ready for someone new. Just look at the coverage of the primaries. Now, Edwards doesn't have much experience, but that can work for him, as well as against him...Kerry, for example, would lose simply because of his record. But Edwards really is very different from Bush, just in his mannerisms. Edwards is slick, like Clinton, and people could very well be attracted to that again when compared to the mess that Bush is.

Edwards probably wouldn't even want to say a damned thing about the war going up against Bush- although of course Bush would bring it up. John'd need some extra coaching, and probably a VP with serious foreign policy experience. And he'd just talk about jobs, jobs, jobs, health care, education. Bill Clinton all over again, another one-term Bush.

As much as I hate to say this, as a Dean supporter, I really think Edwards has a great shot at Bush as long as things go right for him.
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BeatleBoot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-24-04 07:52 AM
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15. Was Dukakis a War Hero?
Let's "Dukakis-ize" Bush with that flight helmet on, just like Dukakis in 1988 with that M1 tank helmet on.

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