Eleanor Clift makes a good case as to why Kerry would be unelectable in November, and why Edwards would be a stronger candidate:
Post-Iowa Politics
Dean fumbles, Kerry rumbles. How it affects the race for the Oval OfficeWEB EXCLUSIVE
By Eleanor Clift
Updated: 5:50 p.m. ET Jan. 23, 2004The Republican attack machine is gearing up. The plan is to "Dukakisize" Kerry, turning him into a clone of the wonkish former Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis who lost to Bush's father in 1988. If John Edwards is the nominee, the GOP will portray him as "The Breck Girl," turning his good looks against him and portraying him as lightweight. "I believe the White House would least like to run against Edwards," says a Republican strategist. As the son of a mill worker, Edwards is best able to mount an attack on Bush's Achilles heel: the perception that he's on the side of corporate interests against the little guy. Assailing Edwards as a sleazy trial lawyer won't work, the strategist believes: "Look at all the lawyer shows on television. People like guys suing the big guys, and he knows how to play to a jury."
The other line of attack on Edwards, just as dicey, would be painting him as a lightweight, then asking voters: in a time of terror, do you trust someone who just got involved in politics? It's the strategy that was used against Bush in 2000, and it didn't work, says the GOP strategist. "They'll paint Edwards as light, that he lacks gravitas, but when Edwards shows up for the debate, he's not going to be a lightweight."
Kerry is easier to demonize. He has a long record of conventionally liberal votes. His campaign was rescued by the Kennedy machine. "He's Kennedy's Mini-Me," says the GOP strategist. Details from his time as leader of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War in 1971 will be spread around in a way to make him appear duplicitous. Early on, when Kerry first appeared to be the front runner, Republicans salivated at the prospect of running a cultural war against him. One GOP operative was quoted saying, "He looks French."