Posted on Fri, Jan. 23, 2004
AdWatch: Lieberman Ad Shows Saddam Statue
Associated Press
Details of a new television ad from Democratic presidential candidate Joe Lieberman, to begin running Saturday:
TITLE: "Homeland."
LENGTH: 30 seconds.
PRODUCER: Integrity Minded Media.
AIRING: New Hampshire.
SCRIPT: Announcer: "Saddam Hussein. Only one candidate was clear we are safer with Saddam Hussein in prison, not in power. Joe Lieberman - a national leader in the fight against terrorism and tyranny. Joe Lieberman forced George Bush to create the Department of Homeland Security. He was warning about al-Qaida long before George Bush knew who they were. When you think about the dangers facing our country, think about Joe Lieberman's courage and conviction. It just might make all the difference."
Joe Lieberman: "I'm Joe Lieberman and I approved this message
more: anyone seen this ad yet?