least night....he lit up the Opera House
Clarity and Honesty and Heart ... and Resurgence!
I just got back from Keene -- oh my -- the Governor couldn't speak for a few minutes because the standing ovation in the opera house, from the floor and the balcony and people hanging off the press-riser, was so long. Again and again during his speech -- when he talked about reproductive health rights, when he talked about globalizing the rights of workers, when he talked about renewable energy, and when he talked about standing up for what's right, even when its not popular -- the audience rose in a deep wave to clap and cheer and turn to eachother.
Over 1,500 were there, every seat filled and the overflow room filled and the overflow to the overflow room filled, and even the benches behind the Governor on the stage filled with Dean Leaders (grassroots leaders who have organized in the area). As he has all week, he talked and then took time to answer a dozen questions, from a young man nervously reading his crib sheet to a confident woman reading her question from notes on her hand. One undecided woman, with her 4-month old, told me that his willingness to talk directly and answer directly was what most attracted her.
NH Voter for Dean in the comments put it better than I could:
The place was packed, and the Gov. was in top form. I heard him speak in Peterborough on 1/2, but he was completely different tonight. Not subdued at all; on the contrary, he was more passionate than before, his ideas came across very well, and he connected deeply with the spirit of the audience. He seemed much more driven, but in a real statesmanlike way, unlike the somewhat tedious Kerry. When it was over, all I could think of was, "My god, this man is completely un-beholden to special interests. Imagine what a country we would have with him at the helm!"