While I now realize that Lieberman won't win the nomination, he would beat W easily and fare better than any other Dem nominee. Why?
He's viewed as a fiscal conservative. On here Kerry may be viewed as a fiscal conservative, show America a picture of him with Ted, and suddenly he's viewed just like W, a big spender. The majority of Americans, maybe not DUers, put a tremendous imporatnce on their faith. No one would go into the election booth thinking Joe L is going to say "ban all religion", with Dean some of the others, moderate voters do wonder sometimes I think. Joe L would trump Bush on faith in the eyes of the general public.
Defense, Lieberman is not going to be viewed as someone who will feel the need to go to the UN first if the U.S. is attacked again. Bush has no edge on Lieberman on this.
There is no, "I'm an elitist, I know better" attitude coming from Joe L or his wife. Will Kerry and Teresa be viewed as more in touch with the common man than W, Joe L would be.
Trust and a feeling of bi-partisanship, who was the first Democrat to scold Clinton for not respecting the Presidency, why Joe L, what a great way to show he's willing to challenge anyone even in his own party. Lieberman doesn't seem to be waffling in his position every time a reporter asks him a question either, he's not dynamic but he's trustworthy.
Seems pretty pro-business and compassionate at the same time, he doesn't seem to believe every one else is evil but him if they make money, sometimes I wonder if JFK and Edwards think they should be the only ones allowed to be rich.
He does not think 3rd term abortions are great, yes they seem to be a popular idea on here, but beyond this forum in the general public, Americans are not big fans of the idea. At the same time he's shown a willingness to protect the right to have an abortion, just not a late trimester one.
Enough rambling, Lieberman easily could capture many Republicans and dominate the moderate vote, but will he be nominated, sadly no.