The Real Reason We Are Going To WarI have been sharing this with just about everyone I know. This is important information that as many people as possible need to hear.
Does the "threat of weapons of mass destruction" feel like an incomplete answer to you? Have you wondered why N. Korea doesn't seem to be as pressing of an issue with the government as Iraq? Do the US administration's answers seem lacking? They should, because they are not telling us their primary reasons for going to war. If the world was aware of these real reasons, we would have even less support than we have now...which isn't much.
There is a PBS radio show that some of you may have heard called, 'This American Life'. It is my favorite radio program, but that is beside the point. In an episode which first aired December 20, 2002 called 'Why We Fight', they presented the US administraton's real reason for going to war with Iraq. Nicholas Lemann, a reporter from the 'New Yorker' pieced this information together by researching what the "Hawks" in the US administration have said and written about Iraq, prior to and since 9/11, and by researching the foreign policy experts the "Hawks" in the administration are most fond of quoting. You can hear the episode at It is episode #227. The whole program is good, but the section I am focusing on is in Act 3. While you are there, you might want to check out some other episodes. It is really quality programming.
Since some of you probably can't listen to the show, I want to share a summary with you.
Weapons of mass destruction is a ruse. The "Hawks" in the administration want to take out Sadam, not because he is a threat, but because he is easily defeatable. By establishing a pro-west government in Iraq, the "Hawks" in the US administration believe the following is possible:
1.) Many in the US administration are fond of mentioning how the Middle East is a different culture, and that a major show of force by the US will calm the area down, including the violent opposition to the US support of Israel.
2.) OIL. A pro-west govenment in Iraq will open up Iraq's much needed oil to the western oil companies. We currently aren't getting any oil from Venezuela due to the political issues going on there right now. The US, particularly the oil barrens in the administration, do not like relying on Saudi Arabia and other middle-east Muslim OPEC countries for our oil and oil prices. They do not like to feel beholdend to anyone, especially Saudi Arabia. Because of what is currently going on in Venezuela, the US administration is pushing hard to get into Iraq as soon as possible.
3.) A pro-west government in Iraq will allow the US to move it's primary middle eastern military base from Saudi Arabia to Iraq. This is key to their plan, as this will provide the US with more leverage in dealing with Saudi Arabia and Egypt among others. The US needs leverage to force these countries to crack down on the muslim fundamentalist who are currently getting a free ride in these countries (and creating Al Queda). Again, the US administration does not like to feel beholden to anyone, particularly Saudi Arabia.
4.) A pro-west governent in Iraq could influence the political environment's of Iraq's neighbors. (along with the CIA). The US administration would like nothing more than to see the anti-west governements of Iran and Seria fall to pro-western revolutionaries.
5.) Israel. The overall goal of invading Iraq is to get a larger long-term foothold in the middle east. The US administration views this as an opportunity to begin to change the political and cultural environment in the Middle East, to a pro-western, and Israel-tolerant political and cultural environment. And in the process make tons of $ on oil deals.
In short, the US, Britian, and our allies, are attempting to fundamentally change the way of life of millions of people in dozens of countries. It is just the continuation of the American Imperialistic dream of a McDonalds on every corner, a US car in every garage, and a cut of all the action lining US businessmen's pockets. It is pitiful to think that so many Americans are backing such a lie, and so many see absolutely nothing wrong with playing with the lives of millions of people half way around the world. I imagine that to some of these powerful "leaders", it isn't much different than playing a game of Risk, except that the board is a whole lot bigger. It makes me sick.
In case any of you are curious, the following is a link to a similar post I made on a different board. It started a pretty good discussion. Please don't sign up or post to the board though. That is unless you are a Phish fan. Thanks.