For the edification of a young writer on the BellaCiao website who wrote, "The attack on Iraq was ratified by our own legislative body by an overwhelming majority":
"Ratification" is nowhere near the same word nor does it have anywhere near the same meaning as "Declaration." Remember The Constitution? "Congress SHALL declare war." The word "shall" does not allow any wiggle room, at all, but our cowardly Congress has found ways of squirming for more than 50 years, now. The last war that was legally declared by The United States of America was World War II when CONGRESS DECLARED WAR!! Since that Declaration, Congress has abrogated its responsibility because of the introduction of nukes into the formulae for war.
"To declare war requires an act of congress, but to launch a nuclear holocaust requires 20 minutes' deliberation by the president and his advisors. But that is what we have lived with for 40 years. With very few changes, this system remains largely intact, including the 'football', the president's constant companion."*
Out of 8,000 active or operational strategic offensive U.S. nuclear warheads and 3,800 Russian nuclear warheads, 2,000 American and 1,500 to 2,200 Russian nuclear missiles are still on hair-trigger alert and READY TO BE LAUNCHED ON 15 MINUTES' WARNING! Wake up, all you little girlie-Bushies: Reagan didn't win the Cold War, because NOTHING REALLY CHANGED!!
THINK ABOUT IT: Girlie-Bush has his pinkie on the nuclear hair-trigger.
THINK ABOUT IT: At ground zero, a single 1 megaton weapon "...creates a crater 300 feet deep and 1,200 feet in diameter. Within one second, the atmosphere itself ignites into a fireball more than a half-mile in diameter. The surface of the fireball radiates nearly three times the light and heat of a comparable area of the surface of the sun, extinguishing in seconds all life below and radiating outward at the speed of light, causing instantaneous severe burns to people within one to three miles. A blast wave of compressed air reaches a distance of three miles in about 12 seconds, flattening factories and commercial buildings. Debris carried by winds of 250 mph inflicts lethal injuries throughout the area. At least 50 percent of people in the area die immediately, prior to any injuries from radiation or the developing firestorm."*
So "The attack on Iraq was ratified by our own legislative body by an overwhelming majority" MEANS NOTHING! Every Order that this putative Commander in Chief has given our Armed Forces Personnel regarding Iraq has been unlawful. All Armed Forces Personnel took an Oath to defend and uphold The Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. . . . .NOT to defend the President, NOT to defend your Congressman, and NOT to defend your local Animal Control Officer. Those Armed Services Personnel who have read The Constitution know that they are in Iraq illegally according to every law of man, but those who have never cared to read their own Constitution just keep believing the lies of the liars that put our Patriots there.
My entire generation was lied to by people who swore that our Naval destroyers were attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin two generations ago.........and the lies are now spilling from the mouths of the sons of the liars who lied to us!
While in uniform, I asked for guidance concerning the unlawful orders given by my Commander in Chief. . . . .whether the lies and unlawful Orders dictated by my Commander in Chief made him my DOMESTIC ENEMY, and whether that made every Commander on down the Chain of Command my DOMESTIC ENEMY. . . . .and if so, what should I do?! Needless to say, I was transferred to an even LESS desirable Post.
When our Armed Forces went on alert in 1973 as a result of another Arab-Israeli War, we all thought Nixon had been dethroned in a Military Coup led by General Alexander Haig. We had to decide then and there whether we would fire on unarmed American Civilians. . . . .because that's the nature of 'life and liberty' without a Constitution.
The young writer on the BellaCiao website has good but misplaced intentions. When the overwhelming majority are doing and/or allowing the wrong thing and the illegal thing, there is no rationale for making it right! American Leadership, and Americans, have been doing the wrong things now for nearly 60 years! Perhaps SOME TIME during my generation's lifetime, America will begin to get it RIGHT!!!
*(See Apocalypse Soon, by former Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara,