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CSPAN-2:Bob Woodward talks about Watergate, Wed June 1 4pm EDT

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AirAmFan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 01:50 PM
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CSPAN-2:Bob Woodward talks about Watergate, Wed June 1 4pm EDT
Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 01:52 PM by AirAmFan
This is a rebroadcast of an event three months ago.

See also for a thread focusing on how Dubya and Rove might be brought down using a Watergate template.
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dArKeR Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 01:57 PM
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1. On Larry King Live, CNN Asia, Spook Woodward said, "When we go into
Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 01:58 PM by dArKeR
Iraq we will find double the weapons of mass destruction to which the Bush Adm. has alluded to. This is the rule not the exception."

It's obvious Whore Woodward is an intel agent, was used in Watergate, fed and lied info over the years, and used in Iraqgate... as a slut whore.

Why doesn't Franken, Rhodes, Schultz... air this tape of Slut Woodward? Why doesn't Larry Whore King ever question Slut Woodward about this?

I was in Hong Kong at the time but as far as I know Larry King Live should have been the same edition in USA.

A Yalie and a Secret Society Member
The staunchly conservative Bob Woodward grew up in Wheaton, Illinois. A good student at Yale, he was ultimately one of fifteen seniors "tapped" for one of that university's secret societies, Book and Snake, a cut below the more infamous Skull and Bones, but the top of the second-tier fraternities. Woodward had his first journalistic experience working for the Banner, a Yale publication. In his 1965 yearbook he was referred to as a "Banner mogul." Havill writes,

Certainly, with the CIA encouraged to recruit on the Yale campus, particularly among history majors and secret societies, it is more than reasonable to assume Bob may have been one of those approached by the agency, or by a military intelligence unit, especially after four years of naval ROTC training. Although it would answer a lot of questions that have been raised about Bob Woodward, at this point one can only speculate as to whether he was offered the chance to become a "double-wallet guy," as CIA agents who have two identities are dubbed. It would certainly be understandable if he decided not to adhere to the straight and accepted the submerged patriotic glamour and extra funds that such a relationship would provide. It would also explain the comments of Pulitzer Prize-winning author J. Anthony Lukas, when he wrote in 1989 that Bob Woodward was "temperamentally secretive, loathe to volunteer information about himself," or the Washingtonian's remarks in 1987: "He is secretive about everything." As Esquire magazine put it, summing up in its 1992 article on Bob, "What is he hiding?"

The "Floating Pentagon" Assignment
Three days after graduating from Yale, Woodward was sent by the U.S. Navy to Norfolk, Virginia, where he was commissioned as an ensign by none other than U.S. Senator George Smathers from Florida. Bob's assignment was to a very special ship, called a "floating Pentagon," the U.S.S. Wright. The ship was a National Emergency Command Ship-a place where a President and cabinet could preside from in the event of a nuclear war. It had elaborate and sophisticated communications and data processing capabilities. It had a smaller replica of the war room at the Pentagon. It ran under what was called SIOP-Single Integrated Operation Plan. For example, in the event of nuclear war, the Wright was third in line to take full command if the two ahead of it, the Strategic Air Command in Omaha (SAC) and NORAD, were rendered incommunicado. Woodward-straightfacedly-told authors Colodny and Gettlin (Silent Coup) that he guessed he was picked for the ship because he had been a radio ham as a kid.
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flordehinojos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-01-05 02:54 PM
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2. woodward may have done a great service to his country at one time.
Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 02:54 PM by flordehinojos
at this time he is seeking any nickel, dime and quarter he can get.
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