Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 08:09 PM by calimary
And get ignored? And maybe fade away for lack of interest?
It's a "sales tool," if you will. A "hook" or gimmick that SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, can get their teeth around and chew on, and maybe make a news item with it.
Or a talking point.
Or a point of departure - if 100-thousand signatures are good, wouldn't 150-thousand or 200-thousand signatures be better?
And then add it to the pile-on that's growing every day - of crap and scandal and deception and hypocrisy and anarchy and tyranny and fascism that these people are serving America day after day.
That's how you work up to critical mass = the tipping point. That's how you keep opponents with their sphincter muscles clenched tight, and nervous and more and more off their game - if they sense this accellerating groundswell AGAINST THEM?
That's how you win over a few wavering "moderates" who start to read the handwriting on the wall, and would rather be loyal to their own job security than hitch their wagon to a sinking stone.
That's how you give those who are wondering if there's really something to this - reason to look deeper, and maybe read a few sentences farther than they otherwise would have, or maybe read a few sentences they would have otherwise ignored - you know: the let's look at the freeway crash, let's see what there is to see, see what's up.
That's also how you strengthen the resolve and the backbone of those who agree, but up til now have been too timid, because they figured only a handful of "fringies" were into this. If they see a HUGE number like 100-THOUSAND, OR MORE, it'll make 'em sit up and take notice, and take this a little more seriously. REMEMBER THIS: Barbara "Backbone" Boxer did not stick her neck out to support the Congressional Black Caucus in early January when they challenged the legitimacy of the vote - just for her health. She started ahead of time, soliciting comment from her constituents (and others, too) - to determine how much support there was. Because it did take a little courage. She said if she heard from enough people that this was what she should do, she'd go for it. She was swamped with emails, phone calls, faxes, letters, and other messages from people ALL OVER THE COUNTRY, NOT JUST CALIFORNIA, pleading with her to stand with the CBC. And she did. She's done a LOT more since then.
Bone cells do multiply if given enough calcium supplement.