I apologize if this is well known, or well discussed. I am unable to search because this site requires I pay for that feature, so you all are stuck with my potentially redundant information.
www.downingstreetmemo.com and the blogosphere are working hard to break the media silence. momentum is building. critical mass is approaching. be a part of our tidal wave and tear down the wall of silence. rip down the gate and let the media know that they are the gate keepers to public discourse no longer. they have abused their power. it's time to take the power back.
we are campaigning against 3 media outlets per day in a focused flood of polite calls/emails requesting FAIR and ACCURATE coverage of the downing street memo.
people, we are at the breaking point. it takes about 5 minutes to hammer out a good email and send it off. feel free to use the same email for all the media outlets, but be sure to use your own words in the email, and being polite instead of .. malicious? vindictive? well you get the idea. a little bit of sugar goes a long way.
visit www.dailykos.com and check out the recommended diaries for more information.
i am apologize for all my replies about this (sorta spammed) but i had to make a min. amount of posts before i could make this thread.
honestly, the "defenses" of this forum are silly and would discourage only the weakest troll. but it really does give a headache to a legitimate new poster like myself.
please, if anyone can get this to be um .. frontpaged, or stickied or whatever it is you can do to make everyone know about this campaign every day, that would be lovely.
this is our big fight right now. it is a fight we cannot lose.
take action TODAY (please)