I read this at DJ.PAUL.EDGE.COM and I wanted to share it...
Great read!
***The Problem With Dubya ***June 1, 2005, 12:29 pm
A recent American reporter asked "why does the rest of the world hate George Bush so much?" Its a fair question and I thought I`d answer it from my perspective being a non-American.
I abhor George Bush`s need for affirmation at any cost. He doesn`t make policy based on what is good for anyone, he makes policy based on what makes him feel good.
I am nauseated everytime I see his smirking face joking about not being able to find WMDS, meanwhile 1750 US troops have died in an attempt to protect their country from the threat posed by those non existent WMDS.
It disgusts me that he will stand in front of a global TV audience preaching about the Culture of Life whilst at the same time he is directly responsible for the deaths of 1750 US troops and over 100,000 Iraqis.
I loathe what he has allowed to be done to the US troops. I get emails from punters of mine who have served in Iraq, asking me how can I be so anti-military. I point to blogs of mine where it is obviously apparent I think that people who serve are the bravest and noblest men and women in the world. I point out that the anti-war people are not anti-military, they are simply trying to defend the military and stop the needless loss of life for a war that never needed to be fought.
I detest how George Bush has allowed the name of God to be hijacked by the radical right to force through extremist judges and even more extreme social policies, whilst at the same time accusing people like me who disagree with them of being "un-christian".
I am contemptuous of the hypocrisy in the fact that he is happy to send 1750 American troops off to die for the the vitally important cause of spreading "freedom and democracy", whilst at the same time his daughters are unemployed.
I despise his abuse of 911 and the deaths of over 3000 people and turning a great human tragedy into a political propaganda tool for his party.
I am sickened when he tells people "God speaks to him", Jesus said God is Love, Bush`s God preaches death and destruction.
I abhor his abuse of the environment, his willful and complicit neglect in his allowance of his industry financiers to rape the earth of its natural resources in pursuit of profit.
I am sickened by his arrogance and lack of respect for other human beings.
I detest how he is destroying any hope of a happy future for the next generations through incomptance, cowardness, and dishonesty.
I abhor his stupidity, his lack of knowledge, his lack of education into matters that the president of the United States should be educated in, and the fact that he doesn`t care.Being proud of being ignorant is not something I can feel any type of positive emotion for.
It disgust me that he will use any human suffering, be it for example, the deaths of 3000 people on 911 or the deaths of 1750 US troops to further his quest for power and money.
I am nauseated at how he has deliberately divided a great nation using tactics of fear and intimidation. I am repulsed at how he can use terror tactics to scare the very people he is supposed to protect into sacrificing their own.
Most importantly what I despise is George Bush`s role in the destruction of my perceptions about America. America was the great social experiment that gave the world hope that there was a better way. American music of the 60s and 90s inspired and continues to inspire artists globally. American people were an inspiration, be it their incredible generosity in times of crisis or their sacrifice of their own in World War 2 so Europe could be free. I grew up on images of the great American uprisings against segregation, injustice and discrimination. These movements of the 60s inspired ordinary people around the world to stand up and be counted. America, home of the brave, land of the free. George Bush represents a complete betrayal of everything America is supposed to stand for. The American Dream became our dream too and George Bush has shattered this dream.
More importantly, where is the anger? Where is the outcry that 1750 US troops have died for a lie? Where is the outcry that their deaths are hidden and their sacrifices disrespected? Where is the outcry that over 15,000 US troops have been maimed for a lie? Where are the protests? What about the sacrifices of the nearly 300,000 US troops who died in WW2, so that freedom may prevail? George Bush insults their sacrifice and still there is no protest. We thought America stood for Freedom and Democracy and the American people would fight to the death to protect it. Instead they sacrifice their sons and daughters so that tyranny may prevail. And there is no protest. There is no anger.
That is why people detest George Bush, because he abuses his position as president and allows the insidious cancer of tyranny to destroy America, a beacon of light for so many years for the rest of the world, and in doing so makes us question a basic foundation of our beliefs, that is if the American People don`t want to fight for their country, what the hell have we been dreaming about?
But do I hate George Bush? No, I have no time for hate, and even if I did, I wouldn`t waste such a powerful emotion on an insignificant non-entity like George Bush..