Today's LA Times tells of the tremendous increase in suicide bombers in Iraq. Reuters says Operation Lightning 'may not be living up to its name.' Duh. More casualties and deaths then ever. Thirty-eight more Iraqis blown to bits today.
But, never mind, George Bush says we're winning. Never mind that before we invaded not a single suicide bomber ever blew himself up in Iraq. More duh.
Is this a surprise? Where in blazes was the media....and the American people at large when those who KNEW were warning that this would be the outcome? Deaf, blind, and terribly dumb.....that's for certain.
To prove my point: In OCTOBER of 2003, wrote and editorial entitled "It's A WAR, STUPID!" That's one and a half years ago....before we even had the evidence that there were no WMD's. They didn't have a crystal ball....only an understanding of the history of the region and the goals of the Bush/PNAC warmongers. .
Read this excerpt and wonder why no one listened:
"They hate freedom, they love terror!" These words are uttered by George W. Bush time and time again. Most recently they were spoken on October 27th, in response to the forty or so deaths attributed to terrorist acts in Iraq. What nonsense!
Think about this: five US service men died in a 24 hour period in a country they were ordered to invade, - and the only thing George W. Bush could say was that the bad guys are terrorists who hate freedom. This is the man who placed our soldiers in harm’s way, and all he ever does is use their deaths to promote his campaign of terror. The consistent referrals to the violence in Iraq as acts of terror are loyally echoed by the President’s disciples, the American news media. CNN, FOX News and MSNBC now almost entirely rely on the Bush/PNAC administration to supply verbatim scripts for their news broadcasts.
For the full article....