(Despite the focus on Mark Felt's role, the real story is Bob Woodward's role as a Intelligence operative, then and now.
See Operation Mockingbird, which ironically Carl Bernstein wrote about possibly without realizing his partner Woodward was part of.)
http://www.webcom.com/ctka/pr196-woodward.htmlAboard the Wright, Woodward had top secret "crypto"
clearance-the same clearance researcher Harold
Weisberg found had been assigned to Lee Harvey
Oswald when he was himself in the Marines. Such clearance
in Woodward's case gave him full access to nearly all
classified materials and codes on the ship. Woodward
also ran the ship's newspaper. Woodward has insisted
that possessing a high security clearance is not
necessarily indicative of intelligence work.
By 1968, Woodward ran the ship's radio team. In
1969, Woodward was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal for
his communications work. From there, Woodward moved on
to a Pentagon assignment, a job that included
briefing top officers in the government. Admiral Thomas
Moorer and former secretary of defense Melvin Laird are
both on record noting that Woodward briefed Al Haig at
the White House during this period. What is suspicious
is Woodward's semi-admittance to Hougan that he had
done some briefing, and his complete denial to Colodny
and Gettlin that he had ever briefed anyone at the White
Havill notes:
Considering the evidence, Bob Woodward's denial
more strongly suggests intelligence than it does his
uninvolvement in White House briefings.
Woodward's secrecy about his past, his choice of
associates, and what is known of his activities
Havill to write:
The question, then, begs itself once more. Was
Woodward ever a free-lance or retained Central
Intelligence Agency liaison officer, informant or
operative . . . ? This author got various forms of
affirmative opinions from intelligence experts. It
would explain his assignment to the Wright and his
misleading statements to interviewers. It would make
understandable his being able to get out of going to
Vietnam in 1968, his extension for an additional
at the Pentagon, his being chosen to brief at the
White House and his denials as well. It would also
help explain his subsequent high-level friendships
with leaders of the U.S. military and the CIA.
It would also explain the role Woodward and
wittingly or unwittingly played in keeping the CIA's
nose clean while making sure the world saw the
President's nose was dirty.
More about Mockingbird: