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Open Letter To The American Media

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NightOwwl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 01:13 AM
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Open Letter To The American Media
Saw this on'm not familiar with the author (Owatica,) but he/she sounds like a DUer to me:

Open Letter To The American Media

June 2, 2005

This is your wake-up call; your heads-up warning; your way out; the only way to save yourselves. You apparently don't read your own polls or have become confused about how to respond to them appropriately. The duck-and-cover, utterly complicit Democratic, not to mention Republican, "leadership" seems to have a similar problem. For them, there is no real escape. The corruption on both sides of the political aisle in Washington is disgustingly obvious. Even though our so-called "elections" have been corrupted, there are still limitations regarding what can be accomplished, i.e., a "close" election can be manipulated but a landslide is, well, a landslide and most of our dear leaders in Washington's Private Club are going home relatively soon; where they will no doubt attempt to survive the shame of their craven betrayal of the American people and every principle America has ever stood for. You, on the other hand, may have a chance to survive the situation that is now escalating beyond your ability to control.


What all the recent polls demonstrate is that the jig is up. Even though the details and depth of the betrayal is not fully understood by all at this time, the American public is awakening to the sadly familiar scent of rat. They know they are being lied to, not only by the government but by YOU. The people have clearly stated they oppose this administration, the congress, the war and, alas, YOU. Of course you are increasingly aware of this fact with each passing day as your viewership and readership numbers continue to slip farther and farther into the hole. Yet there has been a paralysis on the part of corporate media ownership and its so-called "journalists" to respond effectively to the terrible threat you face. By now you can see the Bush administration is pushing you to ruin right along with the rest of us and the world at large. I would like to help you with this daunting problem.

It is so simple, it is almost silly. All you have to do is work together to actually report the news accurately and appropriately. That means the "runaway bride" goes on page 24 and the "DOWNING STREET MINUTES" go on page ONE as the HEADLINE news it is, right along with GENOCIDE IN IRAQ, THE MURDER OF OUR OWN TROOPS, CORRUPT ELECTIONS and noting THE HALF-LIFE OF DEPLETED URANIUM IS 4.5 BILLION YEARS (not to mention it only takes about one year for the microscopic and totally lethal bits of radiation to mix thoroughly in the air so it can blow over the entire world), among other hot topics. This would also hold true for accurate information available to you regarding the devastating fact of how badly the Bush administration has been defeated in Iraq, the truth about the American Gulags; the abuse, torture, murder, genocide and staggering devastation inflicted upon Iraq and the Iraqi people and, well, you know the list as well as I do; after all, you've been dancing around it and covering it up for years.

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Tux Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 02:26 AM
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1. Fox News relies
Why do you hate America?
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lady lib Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jun-03-05 02:32 AM
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2. That's quite a rant and from Iraq no less.
It seems to hit the key points we at DU have been trying to bring to light.
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