I've been elated all day from watching perhaps the best two hours of television last night when Larry King had Woodward & Bernstein for an hour, followed directly by Dan Rather for a 2nd hour. Instead of the day to day propoganda that streams into our homes, via the tube, this was a breath of fresh air. A total respite from the tyranny that is foisted upon us in unrelenting quantities. As Bush/Cheney continue with their blueprint of reversing 50 years of gains by the working middle class of America, it was good to recall there was indeed a journalistic Camelot. A time when the Fourth Estate was truly independent, and caused our government to be what Lincoln said it should be - "to the people, by the people, and for the people."
And while I heard "a call to arms" from Woodward, Berstein, and Rather for journalists to rise up, as they once did, they did not throw any red meat to their supporters to do so. I mean really, would it have been so terrible to denounce the fanatical right wingers who were saying that Felt should have gone up the ladder with his complaints? Would it have bruised any egos to say that L. Patrick Gray was giving all the FBI information to John Dean? And would it have been so demeaning to say that surely the most ruthless man in politics, prior to the current VP, John Mitchell, the attorney general and chairman of the Nixon campaign to re-elect, was also in on the cover-up to the point of being convicted of conspiracy and sentenced to 18 months in prison? Couldn't they have explained these reasons as to why Mark Felts went to them? And would it have been so wrong to bitch-slap Pat and Bay Buchanan for being lackeys that must be wearing tin foil hats if they believe any of the tripe they've been pedaling these past few days? And could Dan Rather, who was exonerated by Dick Thornburg, on the Bush Documents, because the investigation could not tell if they were or were not forgeries, step on the throats of the Repubnuts, but said instead, "I won't argue with them because it's like arguing with a wooden Indian." Really, this was their moment. But they all, to a fault, mamsy-pamsyied about the Watergate and Bush Nat's guard issues so as not to hurt anyone's feelings. Please, even Clinton, who can knock Bush on his keister without Bush knowing he's been hit, always includes "...and let me tell you why" in his concise explanations. Well kids, even when we win, it's never a clear cut win. We're too nice! We have too many of those middle class values that only we play by and I wonder if it will ever change... as it did in the 60's.