Hundreds and hundreds of bloggers - large, medium and small - make up the community at Democratic Underground.
We need every single one of you.
The Big Brass Alliance ( ) was formed less than a week ago and it is now up to 283 bloggers who have banded together to get some answers to all of the questions that have been raised because of the minutes that have come to be known as the Downing Street Memo.
When was the invasion planned? When did it start? Was evidence fixed? When did they know that much of the proof was based on lies from a single untrustworty source? Why was this more important than hunting down the ones behind September 11th?
These are just a few of the many questions that the American public and the world deserve to know the answers to.
The mainstream media is not doing the job. We need to prove that this should be the number one story on every network and in every newspaper until some real answers are given.
If we all band together and push this campaign...
If we all devote a little time each day to do something toward getting this story the coverage it deserves...
If we all do what we can to inform everyone we can by internet and by (uhh)real life....
If we all become one on this incredibly important issue...
The larger we become, the louder we shout, the more organized we get the more chance that there won't be anymore ifs involved.
Send an e-mail to if you'd like to join us, and send an e-mail to with the subject line containing subscribe to get on the mailing list.
If you don't have a blog...START ONE TODAY!...or write every blogger you can think of and tell them why it's important to do this.
Important links:
John Conyers letter:
http://johnconyers.comDowning Street Memo:
http://www.downingstreetmemo.comAfter Downing Street: