Local PBS ran an anniversary program about Watergate, from two years ago. Sam Dash was interviewed and at some point he was talking about the White House that had "enemies," not opponents. That they used the guise of "national security" to investigate and harass people, that many of them would wear a pin on their lapels of the American flag and that they would refer to their enemies as unpatriotic. And he was talking about 1973..
And I was also thinking about those days when Republican senators like Baker and Weicker had integrity, that they were what the Republican party once stood for, that they cared about the country and compared to the Frist and the Santorum of today, complete ignorant and crude.
Another memory of Dash: when they finally went to the Supreme Court to get the White House tapes, Nixon's lawyers - constitutional experts, said Dash - claimed that the President is like Louis the 14 - an absolute ruler above the law... for four years at a time.
The Supreme Court voted 8-0 against Nixon and, again, I have to wonder how it would have voted now. Also, how can anyone possibly compare the obvious obstruction of justice and disregarding the Constitution with what Clinton did with Monica.