It's very important to the US government to hide the fact that it controls the corporate media and kills political opponents, especially while trying to maintain a permanent oil-war 'against terrorism.' Patsies, distractions, and cover stories by the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward are at the center of this ongoing crime with the body count skyrocketing in Iraq and Americans becoming unsettled by it all.
The public crucifixion of Ward Churchill is really using black propaganda against an anti-war activist and whistle-blower in order to:
1) Keep another anti-war movement from forming.
2) Protect Bob Woodward’s cover as an intelligence operative at the Washington Post.
3) Reinforce the CIA’s biggest cover story-‘the liberal media.’
4) Prevent revealing Deep Throat's role in the terrorism against the anti-war movement carried out by the FBI back in the 50s, 60s and 70s.
5) Prevent all of this from making people notice that Patriot Act II is about to quietly go ‘in to law’ to give the FBI search powers worse than the old COINTELPRO.
6) Keep the ‘Global War on Terror’ cover story going to hide permanent oil war.
And all with the help of WP editor Bob Woodward, a White House/CIA shill just like the infamous ‘Jeff Gannon’ discovered earlier this year.
So truth tellers must be neutralized with chilling smears or 'driven to suicide' to prevent anti-war movements from coalescing into strong resistance by high school and college kids the Pentagon is desperate to get its hands on.
(Both Hunter Thompson and Gary Webb are gone? Damn. You have to wonder…)
To prevent people from looking at American political terrorism, they are smearing one of the most outspoken activists and authors who wrote about US law-enforcement's home-cooked terrorism against their own citizens which continues today with Patriot II about to sneak under the wire and give the FBI power to do anything it wants to the Ward Churchill’s among us.
Here's just one of Churchill's books on COINTELPRO:>snip<
"The COINTELPRO Papers, Updated Edition
Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States
by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall
Readers anxious about the loss of civil liberties under George W. Bush will find ground for their fears-and suggestions for activism-in The COINTELPRO Papers. Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's exposé of America's political police force, the FBI, reveals the iron fist hiding beneath the velvet glove of "compassionate conservatism."
Reproducing many original FBI memos, the authors provide extensive analysis of the agency's treatment of the left, from the Communist Party in the 1950s to the Central America solidarity movement in the 1980s. Ward Churchill's substantial new preface to this South End Press Classics edition updates the cases of several incarcerated Black Panthers and analyzes the events at Ruby Ridge and Waco, as well as the wars on drugs and terrorism. Churchill makes a compelling argument that U.S. law enforcement has become thoroughly militarized, with devastating consequences for all those who work for social justice." Churchill is one of the leading activists and whistle-blowers against US government abuse of its own citizens by the FBI called COINTELPRO, at its worst during the Vietnam War. CIA control of the media, called Operation Mockingbird, is being used at the Rocky Mountain News to DEFLECT ATTENTION away from FBI/CIA TERRORISM AGAINST THE AMERICAN LEFT in the 60s and 70s called COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) which Churchill was a victim of and wrote about at length.'s some of Carl Bernstein's 1977 article on Operation Mockingbird picking up where the 1975 Church Committee hearings on CIA abuses left off. Interestingly, Bernstein steers attention away from his own Washington Post where he and Bob Woodward wrote about Watergate. This is long before Murdoch Faux News disinformation channel.) year-old Mark Felt, the Watergate mystery source called Deep Throat revealed this week by his own family, was the #2 FBI official under J. Edgar Hoover when they were MURDERING and terrorizing the anti-Vietnam War activists and leaders like Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and dozens of Black Panthers. They murdered 21 year-old Fred Hampton IN HIS SLEEP and many innocent Black Panthers are still in jail 30 years later. smear campaign against Churchill was renewed early in 2005 when the CIA was forced to release documents showing they collaborated with Nazi Adolph Eichmann's assistants after WWII. The CIA was formed in 1946 using many Nazi war criminals as intelligence assets along with Mafia internet knows that W's grandpa Prescott financed Hitler so hiding the Bush-Nazi link is harder than ever now. the CIA dug up a Ward Churchill essay on 9/11 with the key word 'Eichmann' in it and turned the dogs of Fox News loose on him as a pre-emptive distraction using all the emotional charge of 9/11 against 'leftists who hate America.'
This was also a propaganda preparation for this week's long-awaited announcement of Deep Throat's identity which was being arranged for several months by a SF lawyer's negotiations with Esquire Magazine and therefore known to the CIA. (They know everything including that I'm writing this and you are reading it. Thanks, Admiral Poindexter!) Editor Bob Woodward of Watergate fame is also an intelligence operative so he would have known not just Deep Throat’s identity but that Deep Throat's involvement with COINTELPRO would surface soon, too.
(Read the bottom side-bar at that url about the problems of Woodward's account of how he would signal Deep Throat. Woodward's 6/2/05 article about how he met Deep Throat devotes lots of words to trying to explain exactly the inconsistencies outlined in this 1996 online article. Woodward knows his cover is thin. Both he and Felt screwed Americans with lies. Woodward still does at the Washington Post.)
Ward Churchill was prepared to be grilled like a marinated steak by the wolves of CIA propaganda to give the 'Mockingbird' press red meat to peck at. Native American red meat, that is. All to hide elimination of the Bill of Rights and hide American war crimes in a massive disinformation system called ‘corporate media.’
This all allows the Nazi-Bush Crime Family to wipe out Fallujah as if it were the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto and allow the Washington Post to cover it up to assist the Permanent Oil War campaign in progress.