Working people have the majority of their income reported from a W2 form. They WORK, they earn either a salary or an hourly wage. Sales people who are Independent Contractors may earn sales income that is reported on a 1099. They end up having to pay both the Employer and Employee portions of the SS tax. They also WORK for their living.
Then you have people who earn , no strike that, get, dividend and/or interest payments as their major or sole source of income. Granted, some from this group may be retirees who sacrificed and planned for this income to supplement their retirement
I really really think that the Democratic party needs to say "If most of your income comes from a W2 on your income tax, you NEED to be a Democrat. If the majority of your income on your tax statement comes from 1099 Misc Income, you NEED to be a Democrat. If the majority of your income on your tax statement comes from 1099 Dividend and Interest Income, you SHOULD be a Democrat."