Do the press intentionally not listen or are they just that stupid. Biden was speaking of the "up or down" vote Bolton would get
if he can get past the cloture vote.
Which Democrats are going to cross over and vote for cloture who have not already done so? The last vote included 41 Democrats and Inouye was absent. When he returns, it could well be 42 Democratic votes--and, of course, only 41 votes are needed to stop cloture and an "up or down vote."
Biden has said the Democrats are holding firm until they get the information they have requested from the White House. The White House has said they are not sending over any more information.
Is the press paying attention or are they just that dumb? Biden never said they were in danger of losing the cloture vote. Perhaps they are, but he
never said so.
And, of course, they are repeating this story on CNN today--taken from the AP article which ran yesterday and is linked below, along with an excerpt from it."Democrats Not Likely to Stop Bolton"
"The president can probably refuse to give us this information, which we're completely entitled to as the United States Senate, and
that's the reason why we're not letting the vote go forward," Biden said.
The material Democrats have sought for weeks
involves Bolton's use of government intelligence on Syria, and instances in which he asked for names of fellow U.S. officials whose communications were secretly picked up by a U.S. spy agency.