Lets take a stroll down memory lane and see what our Military was doing in the middle east in the 90's when a radical liberal was in the WH. The U.S. in cooperation with Britan, France, Turkey and Saudi Arabia established Operations Southern and Northern Watch and maintained a no-fly zone over Iraq to keep Hussein "in a box." On the ground in Iraq, U.N. weapons inspectors were doing their job by getting rid of Hussein's weapons. I can't speak for the fiduciary agreement of Northern Watch, but per Southern Watch, the Saudi Government provided all the jet fuel used by American, British and French Jets and provided free housing and food for all the joint forces. Through this spirit of cooperation Hussein was neutered. Meanwhile, the federal government ran up a surplus and the religiously insane were not threatening to kill federal judges. And just how did the chickenshit chickenhawks of the GOP show their appreciation? As good DUers, you know the answer to that ??