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Newshounds Media Digest
Issue #34 - Week of 5/29-6/4/05
http://www.newshounds.us1. Melanie: Fox News' London bureau chief admitted that Fox News is in bed with Karl Rove in a May 20 op-ed piece published in the Wall Street Journal Europe. Why didn't our famous "liberal media" report the story? How is it that we've come to a place where the bureau chief of a major "news" organization feels free to shamelessly admit such a thing? Nancy: The reactionary echo chamber has been attacking Linda Foley since her talk at the National Conference for Media Reform last month. But the attacks haven't resulted in Foley's resignation, so now they've latched onto her more recent remarks ("balanced reporting is used by conservatives in place of the truth") to continue the attacks. FNC may come to regret opening this particular can of worms. ChrisH: Former CIA operative Wayne Simmons takes the "if you're not with us you're against us" motto another step over the line. The ACLU and the press, in revealing the unflattering truth about some of the conduct behind this war, are abetting the terrorists. So shut up and be a good docile parrot, uh, patriot. Deborah: Right after the Pentagon released their report confirming that Qurans at Gitmo had been mishandled, Hannity and Matt Drudge teamed up for some damage control.
5. Donna: With the constant blurring of the separation of church and state on Fox, Studio B covered an interesting story of a judge in Kentucky who actually sentenced a man to church (jail or rehab were his other two choices). Judge Napolitano was correct as far as the legalities were concerned, but he handled this judge with kid gloves as opposed to how they handle other judges out there that Fox deems to be 'activist'. Ellen: Another Democrat rolls over and plays dead on FOX News. Marie Therese: Even Bill O'Reilly realizes that President Bush has been dragging his feet and not seriously addressing the implications of the Amnesty International report. Consequently, on The O'Reilly Factor, he has been lobbying the administration to create a non-partisan commission to investigate and make recommendations on the whole issue of detainees. subscribe to this email newsletter, send a blank email with "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line to To unsubscribe, send a blank email with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line to