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I like the Huffington Post. There, I said it. Flame away.

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Democrat 4 Ever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 08:50 AM
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I like the Huffington Post. There, I said it. Flame away.
I realize that many people do not like that both sides of the equation are represented on this site but the liberal points of view outnumber the neocons, reich wing and heads-up-their-ass 5 to 1. Good place to get a nice round up of views from people who would not normally have a blog.

Huffington has a clear, concise way of getting right to the point and I, for one, am glad she has seen the light and is now skewering the repugs with her insight and wit. She is an extremely smart woman and she can go toe to toe with any of the rethuglicans.

She has an excellent blog today on RNC chair Ken Mehlman's appearance on Meet the Press yesterday. She slices and dices it so neatly that Russert needs to hang his head in shame at his performance yesterday. One term from Arianna that should become part of DU vernacular is she called Timmy Boy - EZ Pass Russert for all of the softball questions and no follow-up to any of the lies EZ Pass allowed Mehlman to get away with.

Meet the Press use to be the industry standard each Sunday morning. If you get a chance compare the interviews EZ did with Howard Dean last Sunday and the one he did with Lies Mehlman yesterday. EZ has sold out to the corporate heads and is just another Nonuts or a Fucker Carlson. Another beacon for journalism has died. MTP RIP.

EZ Pass Russert has the perfect ring to it.
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Teaser Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 08:52 AM
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1. You're entitled to like it.
I just don't find anything there that I can't find elsewhere.
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vi5 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-06-05 08:57 AM
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2. I like it more now that there is less celebrity blogging...
I'm fine with celebrities having political opinions. But the first couple of days were way too cluttered, with way too many actors and actresses posting things in a "Look ma! I'm blogging!" way that made the site annoying.

Since then it's become less cluttered, more selective and includes more people who seem to have a better grasp on the forum.
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