in today's blog post. AI = Amnesty International. head of the US chapter of Amnesty International, William Schulz, did what more people should do when up against the right-wing attack machine:
Go into the belly of the beast and attack right back.<SNIP>
Biden, Edwards Backstab Dean<SNIP>
Both Biden, and another ’08 wannabe John Edwards, publicly spat on Dean for the comment -- a lot of have never made an honest living in their lives.”
If either of them had a ounce of team play in their bones, they would have known that Dean expertly handled the flap in a CNN interview this past Friday:<SNIP>
Like with the Amnesty controversy, when Dean was under fire from the Right, he conceded nothing, grabbed the spotlight and stayed on the offensive.
Other Dems should be following Dean’s lead in that situation, echoing his messages so they will be heard and have an opportunity to resonate.
The last thing they should be doing is giving the GOP a win by echoing their attacks on Dean.
And for Biden to get on his high horse about good politics, minutes after folding in the Bolton battle, is nothing short of ludicrous.