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Republican Mitt Romney has changed his position on abortion and other issues to build credibility with the extremist powerbrokers that control the GOP.
Why? He wants to run for President in 2008. But along the way, he has a decision in 2006 -- whether to run for governor again, or take on Senator Kennedy.
As Romney plots his rise, conservative commentators say that if he can "defeat the brother of JFK," he will have done more to "add momentum to a run for the presidency than anything he could accomplish as governor." That's the empty ambition of Republicans like Romney. A race against Kennedy would be, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, to "gain political capital" for a White House run.
Defeating Senator Kennedy is exactly the kind of credential that the fringe right wants in a candidate. Their sights are increasingly focused on Senator Kennedy -- with no credible challenger emerging for Senator Clinton in New York, the right-wing fantasizes about taking down a national icon.
This early in the campaign, we can show Romney and the right-wing that any challenge to Senator Kennedy to satisfy their ambitions will be fought by all of us: This challenge represents more than the ambitions of a single politician. It stands as a symptom of the ambitions of a power hungry right-wing, which demands that the Republican Party use its power to change the rules and challenge those who oppose them -- especially Senator Kennedy.
Senator Kennedy has always been a strong opponent to their agenda. They get angrier every time he shifts the debate to the issues Americans are worried about. And it drives them increasingly crazy that one of their fiercest critics just added your voices -- the voices of more than one hundred thousand ordinary Americans -- to the effort to beat back their fringe agenda and get on with the business of governing.
We need to make our support clear right now, while they are making decisions about where to run or where to spend money. We can stop them at the height of their power -- and show that no matter what they do, we stand with Senator Kennedy.
Your donations over the next few weeks will send them a message that they can't just fight Senator Kennedy - because he has over a hundred thousand supporters fighting right beside him: Since you joined, the Republican leadership and its allies have created videos attacking Senator Kennedy no less than six times -- more than one each week.
But you and over a hundred thousand others have begun to build something that stretches far beyond their blind hatred of Senator Kennedy. We have work to do -- and they need to know we are serious about it.
Elections aren't just about winning. They are about what you stand for, what you've done -- and most importantly, what you're going to do with the responsibility to govern. Senator Kennedy has taken that responsibility time and time again -- standing up to the radical fringe in campaigns and in the Senate, and fighting for legislation that can change the lives of millions of Americans.
Please continue to help him do it: Our work will send a signal to the fringe right-wing and the Republican leadership that when you combine your will to stand up and fight with the determination of someone like Senator Kennedy, they have no hope of winning this election -- and they will have to start talking about the issues that matter.
They will see that they are not simply debating Senator Kennedy, but hundreds of thousands of us -- all dedicated to serving our country and making it better.
This is a new campaign for Senator Kennedy and the team and you have already changed how we will win it -- by working with you, every step of the way.
Thank you for your support and for being a part of the Ted Kennedy family.
Tom Lopach
Kennedy for Senate