Hillary has already been defined. That means the Republicans won't have to define her....but will only have to reinforce what is already out there. That's an easier job for the Republicans considering that the media will be on their side and there is certainly a lot out "there".
I think that Health Care reform will be a winning issue for Democrats. But Failed Health Care Reform is something that many voters don't want to have to remember. The fact that Hillary's proposal "failed" and was considered Convoluted, complex and difficult to understand will be one of the topics that you will hear about. Our platform on this issue would turn from credible to doubtful. Not a good thing, IMO. And please understand that history will not be re-written by the media to favor Hillary's side of that 1993 story.
In addition, it is a fact that one could certainly spin that she was easily "mis-led" by her husband in their personal life and therefore could be easily "mis-led" by world leaders as a potential President (especially considering that she is also a woman).
Just like we constantly hear that Giuliani's personal life is one of the barriers to his winning a national election, the same will be made true of Hillary (this is the part that I believe will not slip by the GOP...although they may wait till she has the nom in hand before revealing that lowdown tactic).
I also don't agree that her high name recognition is an automatic positive quality, because it may shut down many voters who might have otherwise considered voting for a Democrat. Feeling like they already "know" her, many voters will shut their minds to Hillary and may gravited toward a relatively unknown out of sheer "Hillary" fatigue. George Bush was not a "known", and I believe that this helped him in 2000. Gore's name was known, and I don't believe that this really helped him (although he did win...it was still too close for comfort with such considerable name ID). Being unknowns also helped Clinton and Carter. So the name factor, IMO, is not a decisive factor by the time one gets to the general election.
If you believe what Hillary has is "Mystique", I beg to differ with your usage of that word.
1 : an air or attitude of mystery and reverence developing around something or someone
2 : the special esoteric skill essential in a calling or activity
http://www.docguide.com/dgc.nsf/html/English-Dictionnary.htmIn the end, it's not a candidates actual attributes that will help them, but whether they can define themselves before the GOP does. In the case of Hillary, she's been defined. In the case of both Gore and Kerry, they were beaten to the punch. Having successful achievements to point to is helpful in those instances that you are defining yourself. Pointing to your husband may not quite do it....especially for a woman running for the highest office in the land.
To conclude, we shall see where all of this takes us. I would venture to believe that we can both certainly agree that, after all is said and done, only time will tell all.