Only, it's from an unexpected source: The Freepers:
To: sarasotarepublican "Not only that (that Dean's smarter and more innovative), but in addition I truly believe he is a force whose time has come. He is prescient himself, and usually a step or two or ten ahead of everyone else, and his heart is in the right place. He is a man of incredible integrity, and I truly believe that if ANYone can begin to lead us out of this quagmire, it's Dean. Not alone, of course, and he's no savior. But he IS a LEADER, a Leader Extraordinaire. I want people to watch. I think this Howard Dean is a Man for Our Times."
I honestly think that was written by a Republican operative working in deep cover at DU. And good for him. 22 posted on 06/07/2005 10:49:11 PM PDT by Bullish (Proudly and consistently hating the Clinton's since 1992) .................................................. To: voletti
...this stuff will win their hearts in those Red States the DNC is lusting for.
12 posted on 06/07/2005 8:57:04 PM PDT by dogcaller ................................................... To: voletti Dean is the Crazy in Chief (CIC) of the Democrat party and he is a great gift for our side. 14 posted on 06/07/2005 8:57:49 PM PDT by jveritas (The Left cannot win a national election ever again.) ........................................................ To: voletti Caught on Tape: Dean calls GOP 'White Christian party'
Oh! Thank you Howie. That makes our political opposition the Satanic party. Now, people can vote right wing and God, or left wing and Satan. Sounds like a good plan to me. Gosh Howie, I thank God every day for giving us you! 15 posted on 06/07/2005 8:58:36 PM PDT by concerned about politics (Vote Republican - Vote morally correct!) ................................................................ To: voletti; blueblazes; Betaille; SteveMcKing; sharktrager; Dustin Hawkins; RobbyS; CO Gal; ...
FRiends, let us bow our heads for a moment of prayer to give thanks that Dean is the head of the DNC.
18 posted on 06/07/2005 9:00:49 PM PDT by Enterprise (Coming soon from Newsweek: "Fallujah - we had to destroy it in order to save it.") ................................................................ To: voletti
Watch the DNC call for his removal.
I don't want to see that happen, I love Dr Dean where he is....
21 posted on 06/07/2005 9:02:33 PM PDT by Stellar Dendrite (Saddam: $25k to suicide bombers = BAD --- Bush: 50 mil to terrorist scum = "GOOD") ........................................................... To: voletti
Insult and offend just about every group in sight, yeah man, that's the way to get em to vote for you! Moron is too high an adjective to describe Howard Dean. But, more power to him! Go Dean Go!
45 posted on 06/07/2005 9:24:42 PM PDT by Richard Axtell (There's gonna be hell to pay, so get out yer checkbooks!)