Edited on Fri Jun-10-05 05:55 PM by Hippo_Tron
To trash good men and women and call them DINOs. Like I said, I think that it is perfectly appropriate to say, "Such and such senators have been voting to the right a little bit lately. This is a problem we need to let them know how we feel." I don't feel that it is appropriate to say that a Senator or Representative is a bad Democrat or a DINO that doesn't deserve to be re-elected because they don't score well on the Patrick Henry scorecards.
Let me give the example that finally sent me over the edge and prompted me to start this thread.
There was a thread about Russ Feingold for President a few days back. In response somebody posted a one liner saying "Russ Feingold needs to vote like a Democrat"
Now I wondered gee, how could this possibly be true. Russ Feingold has stood up constantly against unfair trade agreements, was the lone dissenter on the Patriot Act (a vote that alone could have cost him his job), voted NO on the Iraq War resolution and has been consistant critic of the war, was against the first bankruptcy bill as well as this one, and has stated that he intends to question Tony Blair about the downing street memo.
I posted the response "Are you fucking kidding me?" knowing exactly what I would get... a response with a Patrick Henry scorecard. And sure enough I got one, with Russ scoring a -40 (I believe that he's up to -20 now).
Russ scores a -20 on the Patrick Henry scorecard largely for three votes that I personally don't think are "anti-progressive". He voted yes on Rice, yes on Chertoff, and yes on cloture on Gonzales. As far as these go, Russ didn't sell out anybody with these votes. He believes in the long standing tradition that the President should be able to choose who he wants in his cabinet. You can disagree with that position all you want. I don't see how that makes him any more or any less of a good Democratic senator.
My point is, that when people use the Patrick Henry scorecard as the ONLY means to judge politicians it unfairly portrays people like Russ Feingold as bad representatives and unfairly makes people like Dennis Kucinich look like the second coming of Christ. I like Dennis Kucinich, a lot, but to be honest, I would like to know about his stance on a constitutional ammendment to ban flag burning, before deciding whether to support him for office and if I looked at candidates only by their Patrick Henry rank, I would not know about Dennis' stance on flag burning.
I think that Russ Feingold and Dennis Kucinich are both great Democrats who stand up for what they believe in even if it isn't the popular thing to do. But the Patrick Henry scorecards do not reflect this and people are beginning to use them as the ONLY means of judging a politician. That's what I object to.