Maybe this exchange will tell you why.
This is from the Jan 11, 2004 MTP.
MR. BRODER: I saw the same kind of contrast when I was out there earlier this week. Gephardt gave a pep talk to about 175 union business agents and staff people who’d come in from around the country. I’d say it was about 98 percent male and the median size of these guys, about 6’3”, 250 pounds. Then I went over to...
MR. RUSSERT: My kind of guy.
MR. BRODER: Then I went over to the Dean headquarters, they’re young, they’re female, they’re gay, and they’re small. And I thought to myself, I hope those Gephardt guys don’t run into the Dean people. You know it would be a bad scene.
MR. TODD: You know, it’ll be interesting at the caucuses, on caucus night, if there is some physical intimidation, or not, I mean...
MR. RUSSERT: Punch everybody out.
Mr. TODD: Yeah.
end of quote exchange was punctuated by laughter. The 'dean' of the Washington press corps made light of gays, women, and small men being bashed by labor 'goons'. This is nothing short of dispicable. My letters to the Washington Post went unanswered. Because it was about Dean virtually no one cared when I posted it here in real time. This should have been considered beyond the pale no matter the candidate we choose to support. This is bigotry, plain and simple. Yet not one word has been said to Broder about this behavior. Not one word to Russert either. People should know better too bad they don't.