This is Pryor. Because of the filibuster deal, he is no longer being filibustered and a cloture motion passed today guaranteeing Pryor the job. Before the deal, we had the 41 plus votes to stop him. This is why we need new leadership in the Senate.
The following is from the record:
Congressional Authority: Pryor has advocated an extreme federalist view that would severely limit Congress’s ability to protect fundamental individual rights and liberties. For example, Pryor proudly supported a Supreme Court ruling that declared the Violence Against Women Act’s federal remedy for victims of sexual assault and violence unconstitutional.
Church and State: Pryor has repeatedly blurred the line between church and state. He was a fervent supporter of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s crusade to install the Ten Commandments in the state judicial building. He later distanced himself when Moore refused to obey a specific federal court order.
Criminal Justice: Pryor unsuccessfully defended Alabama’s practice of handcuffing prisoners to a hitching post under the hot sun if they refused to work on chain gangs. Pryor defended the constitutionality of this act, saying it did not constitute “cruel and unusual punishment.” The Supreme Court rejected Pryor’s argument and struck down the practice.
Civil Rights: Pryor has undermined landmark civil rights legislation. He urged the Supreme Court to hold that a disabled state employee who has been discriminated against in the workplace cannot sue the state for damages under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additionally, he lobbied for modifications to the Voting Rights Act that would remove the requirement that the Justice Department review some voting procedure changes to ensure that they are not discriminatory.
Gay Rights: Pryor has consistently attempted to eny gays and lesbians equal protection of the laws. Pryor wrote a brief to the Supreme Court supporting a Texas law that criminalized private, consensual sexual conduct between same-sex adults. The Supreme Court later overturned this law in Lawrence vs. Texas. Additionally, Pryor upheld Florida’s adoption law that prohibits gay men and lesbians from adopting children, even when they have served as foster parents of the children.
Reproductive Rights: Pryor is a staunch opponent of reproductive rights. He has called Roe v. Wade “the worst abomination of constitutional law in our history” and defended a so-called “partial birth abortion” ban in Alabama, even though it lacked the constitutionally-required exception to protect the health of the woman.
Check out the PFAW site. There's more bad news on all of the above issues.