I noted this about Howard Dean last year during the presidential race after John Kerry locked up the nomination. He would make some statement that seemed totally outrageous and scandalous at the time. Republicans would ridicule him, and Democrats would try to distance themselves from him. Dean was made to look like a total fool. But then, something interesting would happen: the issue that Dean initially raised in his "outrageous" comment would begin to be debated.
For example, remember the raising of the terra'lert right after the Democrat(ic) Convention? (I can never remember what is the PC term to use for our party...Democrat or Democratic, so please forgive my misstep here :blush:). Dean said on some talking head's show how interesting it was that the terra'lert was only raised when the Democrats were on an up-swing. Well, he was absolutely correct, yet the media and Repugs jumped all over him for this statement. Other Democrats shyed away from the statement, and tried to distance themselves from Dean.
But, then, a funny thing happened. The media began to make the terra'lerts a discussion point. Granted, it was only in the media spin for a week or so, but nonetheless, the idea got out there that the Repugs were manipulating the terra'lert system. Now, it seems as if this manipulation is a generally accepted fact.
Although Howard Dean hismelf takes a huge beating when he makes one of his "controversial but true" statements, but the issue he raises tends to get into discussions.