...author, nor did he intend his readers to reach that conclusion. Fortunately, I have discovered what I believe will clear things up a bit.
I have just done further research on this, and followed some of the links given, and have found the original source material which better explains the authors methods. It will also make obvious, that this article is an extremely edited version of what the author wrote, for length, but most likely to further the point of view of the editor. I also think some of the language used (when directly compared with the original) has changed, but could be due to this article being translated into Arabic and then retranslated into English.
This article appears to be a "cut and paste" of Dr. Polya's article at the link below called:
Global mortality, Iraq and the Muslim Holocaustby Gideon Polya
(Friday July 23 2004)
This is a more complete explanation of the Dr.Polya's methods, though I am not including the entire explanation, because that would use up the all 4 paragraphs under the 4 paragraph copy rule:
This the 6th paragraph, just above the sub-headline:
Calculating and analysing 'excess mortality'"One major approach has been to examine "excess mortality" for every country in the world since 1950. "Excess mortality" in a country for a given period is defined as the difference between the actual mortality and the mortality expected for a decently-run country with the same demographics. Thus "excess mortality" essentially amounts to "avoidable mortality" and demands honest scrutiny in the interests of humanity.
Here are some examples that can be directly compared to the Original article I posted. I don't know who edited this, but it looks like the same text, but with the 2003 numbers substitute for the 2001 numbers:
...with the return of Western armies in 1991, "excess mortality" increased enormously and with sanctions, invasion and occupation has remained high.
Some Iraq statistics: "excess mortality" in Iraq has totaled 5.2 million since 1950 and 1.5 million since 1991. Under-5 infant mortality has totaled 3.3 million since 1950 and 1.2 million since 1991 i.e. the under-5 infant mortality represents a very high proportion of "excess mortality". According to UNICEF, in 2001 the under-5 infant mortality was 109,000 in Iraq (score 20%) and 277,000 in Afghanistan (score 65%) - as compared to 1000 in Australia (score 3%). It can be estimated that under Anglo-American occupation the "excess mortality" and under-5 infant mortality in Iraq are both still of the order of 100,000 per year.
Turkey (score 15%), Iran (20%) and Afghanistan (65%) have fared poorly since 1950. Turkey has been intimately associated with US forward defence and has been continuing a genocidal campaign against Kurds and residual Christians <15, 16>. Iran, subject to US intervention, installation of the pro-US Shah, the Anglo-American-backed Iran-Iraq war and sustained US hostility to the post-Shah order, has done even worse than Turkey <17>. However Afghanistan, subject to Soviet invasion, US-backed Taliban takeover and now US removal of the Taliban <17>, has suffered horrendously with a total "excess mortality" of 16.2 million. The annual "excess mortality" was about 0.3 million under the Soviets and has been about 0.4 million under post-Soviet regimes.
"...death toll is about one hundred times that of the Jewish Holocaust (6 million victims) and of the "forgotten" World War 2 man-made famine in British-ruled Bengal (4 million Muslim and Hindu victims) <1-3>.
The Muslim Holocaust has many components - thus "excess mortality" has totalled 5.2 million for Iraq since 1950, 1.5 million for Iraq since 1991 and 340,000 for the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 1967. Since 1950 "excess mortality" has totalled about 49 million for the Turkish Near East and Central Asia and 70 million for the Arab Middle East and North Africa..."
Like I said, these are just clips for example of some of the cut and pasted data, it is still better to see these fully in context at the link above. That said, I still think the numbers ARE reasonable and consistent with what was being reported before the 2003 Iraq Invasion.
I also found that this website (Al Jazeerah .info) is not the same as Al Jazeerah .net and Al Jazeerah .com. I think this is a U.S. based website, I found this contact info at the bottom of their Home Page
2002-2005 Copyright © Amazone Press, aljazeerah.info & aljazeerah.us. All Rights Reserved.
Contact us at: editor@aljazeerah.info
Aljazeerah Information Center, P. O. Box 724, Dalton, GA 30720, USA
In conclusion, I would have to say your instincts were correct regarding the intended deception, but I would be more inclined to blame the U.S. based website, not the author.