I want to start with a disclaimer. (I wouldn't bother, usually, but you never know nowadays)
I am white, not Christian, though from a Christian family. I am not racist. I say this only because I have a feeling that I will be accused as such.
That being said, I will explain my reasons for believing that Mr. Dean's bluntness as of late will harm the Democratic party. Most common argument I have heard is that "The Repukes do it, so why can't we?" Well, call me old fashioned, but I believe that all people should have a certain amount of respect for their fellow man (and woman, but lets not squabble over semantics.) And I believe that where politics are right now undermined that respect. All politics consist of is attacking the opposition, leaving people forced to choose between the lesser of two evils. Shouldn't you choose the best party or candidate, not the least worse? The Democratic party, until recently, in my opinion, had avoided the worst of the mudslinging. Doing it now is yet another step in the wrong direction. And hey, if I am living in a fantasy land where this will never happen, then who cares who is in office? Not I.
Another reason is that, when it comes to bluntness, negative campaigning, and spin, the Republicans are BETTER at it. Not something to be proud of, in my opinion, but they are. It is alot easier for them to attack us over comments like Mr Dean's than it is for us to defend them. Surely you all must realize this.
That being said, I think that any Democratic leader who publicly attacks Dean is wrong as well. If they do not agree with his tactics, it is a matter that should be dealt with privately. Infighting will not help. One must know the difference between "publicly attacking" and stating that his opinion is not yours. A good party has room for varied views.
Well, thats my feelings. Feel free to tell me exactly why I am wrong...