about Snensenbrenner who will be getting a binky from me.. as well as a copy of the US Constitution... anyhow here is what I just sent my local paper. I expect my local paper to put this where the sun don't shine, but hey... I may be surprised... as they have actually published a couple letters.
To the Editor,
There are some of us who do watch C-SPAN and we were treated to a horrific scene this morning. Chairman of the Judiciary Committee Sensenbrenner decided to close down the hearings as the matter of detainment came to the fore, as well as torture, and abuses of the USPA. I may remind the Chairman that as much as he may not like Guantamo being mentioned, or for that matter Abu Ghraib, the testimony was relevant. It is part of a pattern, and if he wants me to mention US Citizens who were detained as Enemy Combatants, there is the matter of Mister Jose Padilla and Mister Yousef Hamdi. In both cases the Administration was found to be wrong by the United States Supreme Court. Moreover, we do have sneak and peak warrants that once again have been challenged.
Mister Sensenbrenner may not realize this, or rather have no problem with the gutting of the Fourth Amendment by the USPA. Those of us who do love the United States and her Constitution are aware of this and are increasingly frightened by the closing of dissent by a party that seems afraid of any opposing views..
I will close with this line, which some of your readers may know from school. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin.
I'd say Mister Sensenbrenner and anybody willing to gut the Fourth Amendment do not deserve ether liberty or security, and they are our modern tyrants.