After that, my head started hurting.
We invaded Iraq because Bush has a vision of the world as a colony of the American Empire, and all the world is there for us to exploit. Iraq was an example to the world to fear us, it was an attempt by us to control more oil, it was a warning to other "muslim" nations to behave, it was an attempt to spread our power to a part of the world where our power is weak simply because we are strong and can do it.
This group of Republicans believes that we should be an empire, pure and simple. We can do it, and we should, for no other reason than because we can. Think of 1984, as Winston is being tortured. He is told that Big Brother wants to control all power, and he is asked why. Winston says "for our own good." He is punched for this. "We do it for power. Power is the only reason," he is told.
That's where we are. Read PNAC. Listen to their words. Listen to their lies. They believe in a ruling class that does what it wants, and lies to the people to make them go along. Hitler's corporate fascism was the same, Nero and Caligula were the same. Power is what the want, and they believe they are entitled, and all the crap they spout about conservative values and family and religion is just to win enough votes to run things.
Democrats are fundamentally different. We believe in the ideals of our Founders--equality for ALL (not just Americans), inalienable rights, democracy, etc. Many Republicans believe in this, too, but they are so used to obeying their leaders they don't realize where we've gone. People are afraid to say Hitler, but that's where we are. Give Bush time, and a nuke or two will fly, and his numbers will equal Hitler's.
The world is in a dangerous place right now, and the only thing that will save it is the fact that BushCo has no understanding of the economy and may run out of money before they can invade anyone else.