Edited on Sat Jun-11-05 01:57 PM by Botany
Columbus, Dispatch
<Iraqis to visit to learn about democracy> Front page .... headline over story.
<Ohio government leaders took up an unusual challenge this past week: Advising Iraqi leaders how to quilt together a self governed nation from riven by religious. ethnic, and political differences.>
Are you f***ing kidding me? Can we show 'em how to turn workers comp into a slush fund for republicans? How to get precincts w/ 126% turn outs? How to have the Secretary of State fix an election. How to load 19,000 votes after the polls close? How to short targeted precincts of voting machines? How to have elected officials challenge the patriotism and love of America's troops for questioning a rigged election? How to have a media that prints stories that the computer got tired so it had to add 3,100 extra votes for bush? How to declare a terrorist warning so as to lock and down and hide the counting of votes? How to turn a non issue like "Gay Marriage" into a wedge issue? How to have more absentee ballots that voters who requested absentee ballots? How to have the "Texas Strike Force," come in and help? and on and on ......