Privatizing Congress
Here is a plan I haven’t heard discussed before, but it seems to make such perfect sense that I’m surprised we aren’t already doing it. Why not privatize the Senate and House of Representatives? Here’s how it would work: Instead of having elections, we would allow private citizens to submit competitive bids for each House and Senate seat. Whoever is willing to pay the most for a given seat will be declared the victor, and will then expected to run his office for a profit by auctioning off his/her legislative initiatives and votes to the highest bidders. Just think of the advantages to this system. First, there would be a steady stream of revenue from selling the seats every two or six years. Second, since each Congresscritter would be a self-supporting entrepreneur with services to sell, there will be no need to pay Congressional salaries—a great savings to the taxpayers. Third, government would become much more efficient, with no lengthy debates or annoying filibusters. Legislative votes would be decided cleanly, strictly on economic grounds, and at last we will have attained the most perfect imaginable state of government—one controlled by the pure, inexorable forces of the free marketplace.