Titled "why I no longer subscribe to the Merc".
Dear Susan Goldberg,
In todays paper (Sun, June 12) you claim to be "improving the paper for readers. Also in the same paper, on page 3, you give brief lip service to THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY OF THE CENTURY. The Downing Street Memo and the subsequent revelations that PROVE that George Bush had planned the Iraq invasion well before he said he did and deliberately LIED to Congress and the American people, taking us into a war that has ruined countless lives and bankrupted our country.
Since you seem incapable of gathering any "news" other than what is fed to you by the wire services, I will try to help you by "phoning it in" so you don't have to actually work to do your job. I will even provide links so you can get the info at the touch of a button.
1. September 2000. Plan For a New American Century (PNAC)
http://home.earthlink.net/~platter/neo-conservatism/pnac.html September 2000 report produced for Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush, and Lewis Libby That outlines the plan to take over the middle eastern oil supplies and states that "A Pearl Harbor like event" would be necessary to rally the American people behind this strategy.
2. November through Jan 2000. Bush made President, Cheney V.P.
3. Shortly after Bush appointed, Cheney has secret energy meetings. Rumor has it that maps and plans for the mid east invasion were laid out to oil execs. Also note: California had a large budget surplus which was quickly stolen by Enron et al shortly after this "secret" meeting, setting the stage for Arnold.
4. September 11, 2001. A "Pearl Harbor" type event takes place. U.S. attacked by Saudi Nationals so U.S. attacks Afghanistan.
5. July 23, 2002 . Downing street memo says Bush determined to attack Iraq. Must fix facts to fit policy.
http://www.downingstreetmemo.com/6. November 12, 2002. White house declares War with Iraq "Only as a last resort"
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/11/20021112-5.html7. March 20, 2003, Us Attacks Iraq.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_Iraq_war_timelineDo you think you can connect the dots?
Do you think it might be important to help your readers connect the dots.
Do you think it might be important to the country at large to connect the dots?
We have proof of high crimes and misdemeanors by the current administration that have lead us to war, killed, wounded, bankrupted our men and women in the armed services and bankrupted our national treasury while heaping literally Billions of dollars to Halliburton (Dick Cheney) Carlyle Group G.H.W. Bush and Tony Blair, Oil companies have so much cash they can't even spend it and you feed us the Jackson distraction.
We are forced to look for REAL news to sources outside of this country,
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,564-1649071,00.html or on line because you ignore it or maybe, like Bush, because it's "hard work".
And you wonder why the public finds you increasingly irrelevant? Wake up!!! Even your own industry is finally figuring it out.
http://www.oregonlive.com/search/index.ssf?/base/editorial/1118484370150942.xml?oregonian?ycocpe&coll=7#continueAre you aware that John Conyers has asked the White House for answers on the Downing Street issue and been stonewalled. Are you aware that he has the signatures of about 90 members of congress and over HALF A MILLION concerned citizens asking for those answers, that he plans to hand deliver to the To the White house next Thursday.
Will you bother to cover it?
Maybe fit it somewhere on page 13?
It is truly sad that I have to tell YOU the news.
And you wonder why, after 20 years as a subscriber to your paper, I now find it only useful as fish wrap.
Sincerely, and I really do mean sincerely,
Buddy P. Gill