It's actually a good article, but the headline is totally misleading, IMHO.,0,3258762.story?coll=la-home-headlinesBy Mary Curtius
Times Staff Writer
3:23 PM PDT, June 9, 2005
WASHINGTON — House Republicans today defeated a Democratic resolution to ensure that the Ethics Committee's staff remains non-partisan, in a vote that highlighted the panel's continued paralysis six weeks after lawmakers thought they had broken the impasse that continues to block an investigation of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's travels.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) asked the House to direct the ethics panel to hire its staff according to existing rules.
The move was meant as a rebuke of Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (R-Wash.), whom Democrats say is politicizing the panel by trying to install his chief of staff as the committee's staff director.
The resolution was tabled — effectively killed — by a 219-199 party-line vote. Democrats immediately accused Republicans of having voted against a non-partisan professional staff. Republicans dismissed the exercise as a political stunt.
much more...
There's a letter to the editor in today's Seattle Times suggesting that the Dems are doing this to protect Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Seattle) from being investigated by the panel...I don't think so....