Very perceptive post, esp in terms of his speaking style.
I guess I can see the similarity with Bob Dole now that
this guy points it out.
"Kerry the Frontrunner
Sat Jan 24th, 2004 at 20:09:33 GMT
The media is ready, they've got a candidate up riding momentum, and all that seems to be in waiting for John Kerry is to become the anointed (like they knew all along). Winning Iowa and New Hampshire, they will say, all but determines this is over. But, if you look under the hood of John Kerry's campaign machine, you'll see little depth. Kerry had to self-fund himself in order to even remain in the contest, and up until a few days ago, was absent from having much any of an official ground presence or media exposure, in the seven 2/3 contests. John Kerry, in December, pooled all the resources into Iowa, bet on Red, and won. Now he's in New Hampshire with the lead, just a few days before the primary election.
Standing in front of Gephardt's now-defunct Manchester campaign HQ's, talking with a construction supporter from North Carolina, I thought, why is Kerry, already likely to win here on Tuesday, investing further resources by setting up last-minute phone banks, instead of setting up offices in the 2/3 states? Either Kerry senses that the early reports of Dean's demise are just that, and this really is close, or ( check out te "best against Bush" poll numbers), Kerry's going for the crushing blow in NH by pulling over nearly all the late deciders.
Then I walk into the speech, 30 or so minutes late, and get to within 20 feet rather easily. I tried to recall what was there, back around December of 2000 & January of 2001, when I thought of myself as a Kerry backer. He's very competitive, knows how to win, and likes the outdoors. But the speech seems tired, uninspiring, and even more listless then when I last saw him speak on the campaign trail 10 months ago.
The event is Veterans-focused, war stories ramble on, it does nothing for me but bring Bob Dole to mind..."