have to fight. There is simply no other option. This isn't tag, it's rugby.
When people attack Kos or Atrios, or Howard Dean, make no mistake, it's not just a disagreement, it's an attempt to bring them to heel. People simply want to shut them up and go back to business as usual. It's the same thing driving attacks on Michael Moore and Move On.
There are people within the Democratic Party, while having nothing but tired old bullshit to offer up, would do anything to shut down Kos or Atrios. They fear their politics and popularity and the power they have to move people.
It is about power. Our collective power.
I think a lot of politicians will think hard and long before attacking Howard Dean again. Looking at the quick, off year fundraising, the controversy raised. Do you think Obama, after a flood of e-mails and phone calls would speak badly about Dean again, no matter what he felt? No. It's an object lesson.
When you go after Instacracker or Goldberg, the trolls descend on your site. Now, I could give a f**k about them or their opinions, but the right sticks together to protect their own. And we have to do the same.
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