Source origin is members-only content at El Rushbo's site. So Howard Dean's out in San Francisco, and he opens his mouth, and he continues to put his foot in it. He goes on the Today Show today to defend it, and you've got stories, "Well, there's some Democrats out there, 'Ah, he shouldn't be saying this kind of stuff.'" You don't see anybody making a move to get rid of him, do you? You don't. In fact, you've got a lot of Democrats like Bill Richardson saying, "Well, you know, these are the kind of things... You know, he's doing a good job as a chairman. Sometimes he's going a little over the line." Then you've got Joe Biden and a couple others, but you don't have a rash of Democrats out there acting embarrassed and angry, do you? I'm telling you, folks, this is what they think. I have been trying to tell you this for I don't know how long. This is what they think of you. Why should this even be a surprise? You know the enmity they have for evangelicals; you know the paranoia and the fear they have of religious people. You know how they hate and don't understand the makeup of people in the red states and you know that they've had these fears for years, many, many election cycles. Now, what they've done is gone out and got a party chairman who, A, can't raise as much money as even The Punk did. They're way down in their fund-raising, and yet he's still saying it. If you go to Democrat websites, this is what the average Democrat voter thinks today. If you listen to them, average Democrat people, these are the fringe that become the mainstream of this party. I mean, it's no different than having Michael Moore as your party chairman and they wouldn't object to that.
So I think the thing to understand is that this is who they think you are, and all of you who think, "Well, he's sowing his own fate here, sealing his own doom," I'm just telling you: I don't see a massive move on to get rid of Howard Dean, and in fact, I don't see anybody trying to rein him in from what he's saying. I just hear some mild disagreement, and the mainstream press is not really being that hard on him. You might say that Matt Lauer was hard on him today, but all that was an opportunity to repeat it and Dean dutifully repeated it. Now, I said a moment ago I'm going to prove to you my contention this is what the Democrats think, and this is what they like being said, and they know that their elected officials can't go say it. But the party chairman can say it and get the message out. Remember what they're about. These people are so into their own supremacy and superiority, which is funny because what's really bothering them is a giant loser inferiority complex, and so they're psychologically all confused and twisted into thousands of little pretzels and they don't really have a positive outlook on life. They don't get up and see anything decent and good, and so they've got a party chairman out there that cements the notion every time he opens his mouth. They don't even have an agenda. All they've got is a bunch of hate; all they've got is a bunch of rage and a bunch of anger. Of course, if you hate somebody -- if you're really filled with rage; if you're seething with it -- you want them to know it, and especially if the people you hate laugh at you, you get even angrier and you get even more forceful and you say, "Okay, you don't believe me? I hate you. Are you hearing me? I hate you!"
And we just keep laughing at him and all it's doing is turning up the temperature on the little heating pad that he's sitting on. If we acted outraged about it, and if we said, "I demand you shut up," and all that, then he would think the mission was accomplished. But laughing at them just stokes them even more. This is the best thing that could have happened. I told you all this was going to happen when they named him the chairman. I remember it. I remember specifically. Some of the Democrats said, "We have a problem with him because the party chairman is not supposed to get into policy. That's what our candidates do and that's what our elected officials do." He's not supposed to get into policy because the policy of the party is actually set by the presidential nominee. Now they're wandering in the wilderness looking for that, they think it's Hillary. Oh, speaking of which, I got an interesting note from a friend. Apparently the Fox News All-Stars, the roundtable of journalists on Brit Hume's show, got around to discussing Hillary's speech -- and my friend's observation is quite interesting. He says he listened to them all. He said they all were analyzing Hillary from the standpoint of who she's trying to be, and it's clear that not one person watching Hillary Clinton ever said that's who she really is. In fact, she can't be herself. She's a caricature; she has to be something different each and every day. There is no real Hillary. Well, at least the analysts said... That's not the right way to explain this. Let me find his note because that's actually not the right way to put this. I hope I kept the note here in the stack. Let me take a break. We'll come back, we'll get into some of the Howard Dean audio and I'm going to prove to you -- I'm going to prove to you -- it will be audio sound bite #5. I'm going to prove to you that he's saying exactly what the Democrats believe and in fact most of them want him to keep saying.
RUSH: All right, let me deal with something else out there. I don't know where this is coming from; I don't know who is responsible for having some of you people think this, but this idea that Howard Dean is being who he is and saying what he is to make Hillary look moderate is one of the silliest things I have ever heard. Now, somebody's out there trying to be too smart by half because this theory is not even good enough to be seductive. You know how a theory like that will evolve? It evolves from the paranoid thinking that the Democrats are still much more masterful than we are at strategerizing, manipulating and all of this. This belief or this theory that Dean's being this wacko Looney Toon to make Hillary look normal is a strategy that they have cooked up among themselves. It gives them way too much credit, and it's a bad idea anyway. It's not working. Hillary is not coming off as a moderate. Hillary went nuts before a bunch of feminists and women at a fund-raiser in New York, and it got reported, and now even Democrats are laughing at some of the things that she said. I found my friend's note. The comment that he made after watching the Fox All-Stars comment on Hillary is that not one of them said she should be who she is. They were all saying she should do this or she should do that. "She should go over there; she should affect this kind of personality. She should affect that kind of attitude." Nobody said, "Just be who you are, Hillary," and she can't be who she really is because it's not going to work. No liberal can be who they really are, folks. Look at Dean. Dean is who they are, and look at the reaction everybody has to him! Do you think Dean is building a base among new voters for the Democrats? Hell no! Dean is who the Democrats are.
The Democrats cannot be that way when running for office. That's why everybody is scratching their heads over it, and the psychology is they must be so just... I don't know that "rage" is the word for it anymore. I don't know that "hatred" is the word. I think that they are just beside themselves that they're not running the show. They're beside themselves they keep losing elections. They're beside themselves. Now these judges are being confirmed. They're having political fallout over that. Eleanor Holmes Norton, she's all upset. She's saying, "We'd much rather have a white guy with a silver spoon in his mouth as one of our judges than Janice Rogers Brown just because she's a poor little colored girl from Alabama." I mean, this is nuts. These are the very people whose reason to exist, they've always claimed, is to support poor little colored girls from Alabama to overcome this vicious white racism and yet look it: These vicious white racists, quote, unquote, are elevating this poor colored girl from Alabama to a position of power higher than Eleanor Holmes Norton would ever dream of achieving on her own, and so they're livid with rage. This is not the way things are supposed to be. The only thing they have left are the courts, folks, and that's why they're fighting so hard and now they even see that dwindling away with these three nominees being confirmed. There's even talk now that the Democrats, after a week or two has gone by, they're even more flabbergasted at the moderate Democrats in that gang of seven for selling out than we were mad at the moderate Republicans for selling out. Now, also here, this is from the American Spectator Online edition today:
"Even Democrats were laughing about Sen. Hillary Clinton's speech at a fundraiser Monday for her re-election campaign. On Tuesday, staffers for several U.S. Senators, including fellow New Yorker Charles Schumer, Sen. Dick Durbin, and Sen. Barbara Boxer were forwarding to friends a particularly ironic quote from Clinton, with messages that essentially said, 'If anyone should know, it's the wife of Bill Clinton': It's the quote in which Hillary attacked the Bush White House in these words: 'I can tell you this: It's very hard to stop people who have no shame about what they're doing.... It is very hard to stop people who have never been acquainted with the truth.'" This is the wife of a man who was convicted -- well, yeah, found in contempt of court for lying in a grand jury deposition, and so even Democrat staffers of Schumer, Durbin and Boxer are sending that quote around to their friends with the response being, "If anybody should know it's the wife of Bill Clinton." I mean, even Democrats are laughing at her, folks. Even Democrats are laughing. She's saying this about Bush and the Republicans! The wife of Bill Clinton is saying this? The Democrats are laughing about it -- and I wouldn't assume that every Democrat wants Hillary to get the nomination, and I don't mean just John Kerry or some of these other guys. I wouldn't assume every Democrat wants her to get the nomination. It's such a lock in people's minds that some of them are afraid to speak up. I refuse to believe all this conventional wisdom that the Democrats are united a hundred percent behind Hillary Clinton, and I know they're not if they're running around making fun of her in their private e-mails. But this idea that Dean is doing what he's doing to give Hillary cover to be a moderate, I don't want to be insulting, but whoever has come up with this is an amateur, is an amateur political analyst. This party is not in that much control. This party does not have itself that together, and even if it were that together, it is a stupid way to be. Look it what it says. It says, "Hillary is not a moderate. We have to have some guy act like a raving lunatic every day to establish that our presumptive nominee is reasonable." It's idiotic, and when you get right down to it in the midst of it, there's no reality whatsoever; everything is a game; everything is a spin. "How can we fool 'em today?" Now, that might have worked in the days of the media monopoly, but it isn't going to work any longer. Here's Howard Dean at the San Francisco Chronicle interview in San Francisco. I guess this was last night.
DEAN: The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. They're a pretty monolithic party, they're pretty much, you know, they all behave the same, they all look the same, and they all, you know, it's pretty much a white Christian party -- and the Democrats adopt everybody they can think of in our party.
RUSH: Democrats adopt everybody they can think of in our party. White Christian party. You know, a greater percentage of minorities, including blacks, voted for George W. Bush than live in the state Howard Dean governed? Forty percent of Hispanics voted for George W. Bush. In fact, he was on the Today Show with Matt Lauer, and Matt Lauer said, "What did you mean by that comment? I mean, 62 million people voted for President Bush in the last election. Is that your message to those people a year away from the midterm elections?"
DEAN: Let me read you something very quickly here. "By a series of recent initiatives Republicans have transformed our party into the political wing of the Christian conservatives." That was written by former Senator John Danforth, one of the most respected people and Episcopalian minister. I think it is true that the Republicans are in fact a largely white Christian party. There's nothing the matter with that, I'm a white Christian myself, but they don't include other folks and this is a very diverse country. In fact, they've gone out of their way to use other kinds of people as scapegoats in order to win elections.
RUSH: So he's gotta go out and he has to quote a moderate Republican, John Danforth -- who may as well get together with Christine Todd Whitman. I don't think either of them understand where the party is these days, what the base is, and the values that hold the base of the Republican Party together. But it is a pejorative. You have to understand that as Dean uses "white Christian party" is a pejorative. Let me tell you something. The Democrats are more fearful -- and I told you this, too. They're more fearful of Christians than they are of Al-Qaeda. The Democrats are more fearful of Christians than they are of Islamist terrorists living in this country. They are more fearful of Christians than they are of any enemy of the United States of America. They probably have more fear of Christians than they do nuclear weapons being launched by North Korea, and there's a reason for it. There is a substantive reason for it. These people are secularists. The vast majority of the left -- not all, but the vast majority of the left and the vast majority of Democrats -- are secularists. They want no guardrails in life. To them, government is God. Government is God. The Constitution that's being written by liberal judges is their Bible, and that constitution is something that is results oriented and always grows the government and is always institutionalizing their beliefs, and Christianity and related Judeo-Christian religions are nothing more than a threat. They are a very solid competitor to the lack of values. What do you think moderates are? Moderates are people that don't have values and core. If they were, they wouldn't be moderates. The liberals have their own values, but they are in direct opposition to many of the values that were established at the founding of the country. So they have a tremendous amount of fear, and if you don't understand it now, it would be wise to accept it.
RUSH: Now, look at this. On the one hand while the Democrats are dumping all over Janice Rogers Brown -- an African-American nominated by a Republican president -- Howard Dean is running around saying the GOP is "a white Christian party." Let's not forget this. The Democratic Party stopped Carl McCall in his race to be governor-of-New York. A longtime black official: they stopped him from being governor. They did not fund his campaign as promised. They stopped the late Maynard Jackson, former Atlanta mayor from being the chairman of the Democratic National Committee; they stopped Miguel Estrada from serving on a federal appeals court. They tried to stop Clarence Thomas from getting to the Supreme Court. They tried to stop Janice Rogers Brown, and they're out there saying that they are the party of diversity? And yet I have just mentioned to you two blacks in their own party they stepped on and squashed and other blacks and a Hispanic in the Republican Party they are trying to step on and squash. If you look at the leadership of the Democratic Party, it's pretty lily white to me. We'll have to go look this up, but I can cite for you all the complaints during the Kerry campaign of 2004 from civil rights activists. There weren't enough black people in his campaign at the high level. Remember this, and yet here's Howard Dean running around saying that the Republicans are a white Christian party. It's absurd. But this is what the Democrats believe and this is what they want to hear. So nobody's going to make a move to get rid of Howard Dean. Back to Matt Lauer and the interview today on the Today Show. Lauer said, "You said they don't include some other kinds of people, but in the 2004 presidential race, President Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote. Now, that was general thought of as a stronghold for Democrats. So does that play into this idea of a white Christian party?"
DEAN: Well, unfortunately by and large it is, and they have the agenda of the conservative Christians. Look, what's really going on here, Matt, is they take these things that I have said, which is true, I think it's pretty hard to deny that predominantly that's what the party -- the Republican Party looks like. It is a party controlled by the conservative Christian agenda. They take that stuff, they want to divert attention, they try to make me the issue.
RUSH: All right. Howard, you're making yourself the issue. That's the point. We're all laughing about this. I don't know any Republicans upset about it. Republicans I know are happy. Keep talking, Howard. This is great. I mean, if this is going to set the standard for Democratic Party official political discourse, keep it coming. So Lauer says to Dean, "Well, let me just read you some comments over the last six months that you've made. January 29th you said, quote, 'I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for.' February 11th, speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus, you said, quote, 'You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had a hotel staff in here,' and on April 14th, you said, 'Republicans are mean. They're not nice people.' One of your jobs aside from fund-raising is to strategerize for the Democratic Party. So what's the strategy in these comments?"
DEAN: They are outside the mainstream. They have not included a lot of people in their party who are incredibly important to America and in fact they have used words like "quota" to try to separate black from white Americans. They did scapegoat gay Americans by putting an anti-gay amendment in 11 states where gay marriage is already against the law, and they are attacking immigrants, two Republican congressmen, Jim Sensenbrenner and Tom Tancredo have incredible anti-immigrant legislation. This is not the way America needs to be. We need to be all in this together. You may notice that I'm actually reaching out to evangelical Christians because I think that there are evangelical Christians who believe that there's more than two issues that matter when we're talking about a strong agenda.
RUSH: All right, okay, this is even better. Now he's reaching out to evangelical Christians. This is I guess a reach-out program! Well, that's new. I hadn't heard of that. So this is what his reach-out program is like. As to Sensenbrenner and Tancredo, they're not against immigration. It's illegal immigration, Dr. Dean, that they are talking about and you know it. And you know it. Both parties are on the verge of blowing this. This is something got people in the country riled up to the point that whatever party champions this is going to get a leg up, and the Republicans and Democrats both seem reluctant to do it. The Democrats are looking at future voters in illegal immigration. The Republicans, at some level of their party don't want to upset their contributors who hire illegal immigrant labor. Party interests here diverge, but they end up basically not doing anything about a program and a situation that just has an increasing number of millions of Americans upset and outraged that nothing is being done about it. Now, here's the bite I told you about at the beginning of the program that pretty much establishes my point that Howard Dean is saying what the Democrats want him to say. Howard Dean is pretty much saying what they think and they don't really have a problem with it. Victor Kamber, who is also one of the most outraged and angriest Democrat strategerists out there, Kamber was big in the nineties during the Clinton era, when the Clintons were in the White House, Kamber had, I don't know... a political consultancy. I think Ann Lewis used to work in his office. I'm not sure about that. But Kamber was big. And he may still be big, I don't know. He was on Bill Hemmer today, CNN's American Morning, and Hemmer said, "Joe Biden and some others are saying that they're kind of like walking carefully around these comments of Howard Dean's. Do you do the same?"
KAMBER: The issue is, was he wrong in what he said or are we just uncomfortable that he said it? I'm not sure he was wrong in what he said. It just may be we'd like not to have those things said sometimes.
HEMMER: So you disagree with his characterization of the Republican Party?
KAMBER: Well, I think it is a white Christian party, isn't it? I mean, let's be honest. I don't know that they have many African-Americans, many Hispanics, many Jewish, many Muslim, I mean it's a white Christian party.
RUSH: So there's one of your leading Democrats. I mean, this guy in Washington, Democrats go by every syllable he says. He's a power broker. He's one of these guys -- I don't know if he still is but at one time he was at the top list of consultants you would hire to run a campaign, to run a media campaign, Vic Kamber, and he's always been an angry guy. He's always been what Howard Dean is, and he's pretty much echoing here what Dean said. You don't hear anybody suggesting Dean needs to go.
So which is it, El Rushbo? Is Dean staying, as you asserted four days ago, or are the Dem elites (according to the right wing talking points) plotting to get rid of him?
Or will the peasants with pitchforks rule the day? :rofl:
This guy has no idea what's happening! I love it! :rofl: