Edited on Mon Jun-13-05 10:31 PM by Zerex71
Misplaced or misdirected anger like that doesn't serve any purpose. Our whole military-intelligence operations against Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more than a giant "Don't F*ck With Us!" to those peoples. Do you think that 99.999% of them had anything to do with anything at all? Gitmo is all about that -- us taking our collective revenge, anger, hatred, and government-sanctioned brutality out on people who have nothing to do with this, by and large. The people who hit us on 9/11 -- guess what, they've been pulverized for almost five years. To believe the mythology of Bu$hCo that there are "terr'ists 'round ev'ry corner" is exactly what they want you to believe. I firmly believe that the folks (using Bush's own terminology on 9/11) who pulled off that operation effectively shot their wad for years to come, financially and from a manpower standpoint. Unless, of course, it was orchestrated at the highest levels of the military-government-industrial-intelligence complex out of such nations as Israel and/or Saudi Arabia.
Afghanistan was pure revenge but, surprise, we did nothing of any worth. We obliterated a lot of poor Little Brown People(TM) who had nothing to do with anything other than probably trying to mind their own lives. Then the Gator mines, napalm, and cluster bombs started to fall, and they officially became our Fourth World protectorate. But then we installed a former Unocal exec to look regal and resplendent in some robes and act like he had any control whatsoever of the Wild West-cum-world's largest opium factory when, in fact, there were daily attempts on his life, the Taliban is back in business, the poppy crop is at an all-time high, and still nothing has changed much over there.
Also, it has been shown that our "terror suspect" roundups, imprisonments, etc. have netted little, if any, "actionable intelligence" as the hair helmets in the MSM like to say. It's all show and window dressing. Remember the TSA? Yeah, that's on it's way out, believe it or not, and fat lotta good that did us.
Ultimately, my problem with statements like these is, "Well my husband/brother/father/mother/sister/son/daughter/etc. got killed/maimed/etc. from this so we should go out and nuke the world" -- to me it suggests that somehow, Americans are more worthy human beings. We're largely white, Protestant, and one of the countries with the largest pot of money in the globe, and somehow, with all our SUVs, DVDs, Hollywood, billion-dollar bullsh*t industries, etc., somehow, we think we're imbued with some greatness that says that for one American life, we must sacrifice a hundred or a thousand of those "lesser people" (that is, when we call them people instead of "insurgents", "terrorists", "enemy", etc.)
We are all going to perish from this Earth at some point, and as humans, no one among us is less than or greater than any other in the grand scheme of things. We must stop this moral equivalence and death calculus if we are ever going to progress in our thoughts.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.