This may be more apropos for the lounge, but I thought that if any of you were out there that wanted to toy with a rabid Hannity-Rush-Savage wannabe you might want to check this Flying-Monkey-In_Training out and see if you can make the veins in his forehead pop.
He runs a radio/webcast show of questionable quality out of the central valley of Cali and he's pretty much an amateur. The background of the story was that a mutual friend had asked me to call this idiots show to challenge his asshat talking point ideology on the air. It only took me about two minutes before he started howling and screeching, calling me a 'moonbat' over and over and then hanging up on me, with the obligatory lying about who hung up and declaring 'victory'.
Besides offering entertainment for anyone interested, I'd like to continue this boys 'education', and a little payback for him signing me up for spam and making an email account useless. He usually just gets some of his local crew calling in to glad hand his sorry ass and he didn't expect someone well spoken and knowing what the hell they were talking about. Not really tooting my own horn on that one, since a four year old would qualify at the same level in comparison to this goof.
Be warned, you will be giving this moron hits and 'helping him', but embarrassing him in front of his crew should make up for that.
Get under his skin by being mellow, showing a sense of humor, and persistence(He loves the Hannitty technique of changing the subject when it's going south for him). It'll drive him up the wall
So for all those that can't resist poking a stick into the snake hole here's the site name is Mike Kender
There's a link there to the show, which plays at midnight to two, PST.
Caution:Beware of Flying Monkey Poop, Hazmat suits and tranq guns must be provided by yourselves!
Have fun! :evilgrin: