Over Memorial day weekend, when the DSM was first taking hold in the U.S. thanks to Congressman Conyers, I immediately emailed my Congressional representatives. Here is the letter I sent them:
Here is my followup
I contacted you over Memorial Day Weekend when this story was first breaking in the U.S. I told you how important this was to me since many in my family have served or are serving in the military. I received no response from you and it says volumes that you would ignore something so important to the soldiers, their families and loved ones. This is something every American needs to be concerned with, regardless of political party. I urge you to look beyond the politics and consider this issue seriously for all of America. America deserves to have an investigation of the Bush Administration to determine if they acted illegally by misleading Congress and the American people to war. Don't you want to know if you've been lied to? I hope that your silence is not an implication of involvement.
Be sure you all contact your congressional representation!