"CONGRESS HAS FAILED TO ACT TO IMPROVE AMERICA’S ENERGY SECURITY: The Republican leadership has failed to act on key elements of the President’s long-term energy policy, including: tax incentives to consumers for the purchase of energy-efficient cars, homes and appliances; comprehensive electricity restructuring; and reauthorization of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Over the past seven years, Congress has approved only 12 percent of the increased funding proposed by the President for energy efficiency and renewable energy.
Now, the Republican leadership wants to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling – despoiling one of America’s last wild places for a short-term supply of oil. Furthermore, they continue to cut programs critical to meeting our long-term energy needs"
http://clinton4.nara.gov/WH/new/html/Tue_Oct_3_130025_2000.htmlReally good site to see just how the GOP blocked real energy policy.