We got there around 5 for the 6PM event and I was truly amazed. It's one thing to see the press caravan and supporters at a single candidate's event, or the mass at a debate but this had all the crews, over 1500 NH Democrats, every paid staffer and lord knows how many unions. The party chair report said that this was the largest fund-raising annual dinner in NH history. Over 300K. I wonder why?
This was one hell of a party and the pasta wasn't half bad! Yes!, they had vegetarian but I don't think Dennis ate.
First the facts. I am a Dean supporter and campaign volunteer so this may be biased ;) but I tend to call them as I see them anyway.
My wife Dian, daughter Laura and I were relegated with a few hundred souls to the "overflow" ballroom #2. Overflow #1 were the green cards. For future reference, the big advantage to overflow rooms is no lines at the bar or buffet. Also as you'll hear later the candidates come
visit the overflow rooms because they can't stay and take away from the next speaker.
The gig started late. The candidates arrived at appointed times, took their 7 - 10 minutes and gave the stage to the next guy.
The order of appearance was determined by drawing lots but somehow it got out of order and ended up thus. oh, CMB was there to support Dean as well as his MOM. Ted Danson for Clark and no other celebs that I could see.
the order: Kucinich/Dean/Clark/Edwards/Lieberman/Kerry
So we're in this side ballroom with the big screen and no lines and all of sudden people start running to the front of the room. I thought we were ready to start soon but the incredible Dennis had come out to visit us in the hinterlands before taking his turn.
The room was probably 60% Dean folk and a few for Clark and a large sampling of Kerry supporters. Dennis got a standing ovation from all the Dean people and many like myself said the same thing as we shook hands. "You're a good and honorable man and I'm proud to shake your hand". One crazy Dean lady with more buttons than hair said "Thank you for speaking up against the war when others wouldn't". Of course that brought another cheer from us Dean people. We love you Dennis! I snapped him as he was rushing off.. I shouted Congressman and he turned,
smiled and waved.
Then he spoke for 7 minutes and I'm sorry but he not only bored the heck out of the crowd but half way through, Dean arrived at the side entrance down the hall and the chanting began. Poor Dennis was almost drowned out until people ran down and told the supporters they were too loud. Surprisingly they calmed down, a little.
Dean came up next and I know the other camps will differ but the volume and shaking in the building was unmistakable. He didn't bore us because he knew better than to give his regular stump speech to a crowd of 100% Decideds. What he did was pound hard on supporting with all our hearts the Dem nominee because Bush must go. he did some of his stump stuff and a couple of new jokes. At one time when the crowd got really boisterous and chanted Howard, Howard... , he waited for quiet and said, "I'm so happy I could Scream".
Clark was up next and just as he reached the halfway point Dean comes into our room with the entire press corp. Clark was fired up and going strong on his family values platform when he lost the battle for our attention, he was in the main ballroom anyway. People were climbing over chairs
and generally piling up to see the Governor. He hung with us for a good 10 minutes and a following post
will have one or two pics.
Clark disappeared so the only pic I have of him is from the big screen.
Edwards speech was totally drowned out in our room by the Dean excitement but I did catch him
as he headed off to go bowling with supporters.
Kind of odd that he didn't stop to speak with anyone. He just ran out the door like bowling and South Carolina were all that mattered.
As Edwards was running out Joe and Hadassah were rushed by me in the middle of huge security detail. She is really a regal lady. Joe was in a crush of media and obviously a little nervous but Hadassah was right next to him speaking with reporters about her time in NH. Maybe the wrong one is running from that family? Best pic I could sneak.
Then Joe spoke and I really think that almost nobody outside the main hall listened and we went back to see the Dr. (next post)
Kerry I also got on the big screen but I snuck into the ballroom too and got an out of focus shot there. His people are awful quiet. They show a little excitement but it just seems staged with no heart in it. I must admit I did not listen to him speak and we left before the breakup crowds at the end. Living in NH I've been hearing him speak for most of my life. I've also gone to see all the others, OK not CMB or Al and I regret that.