Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005
From: TrueMajorityACTION <>
Subject: Stop Secret Searches of Library and Bookstore Records
"If the 1st Amendment means anything, it means that a state has
no business telling a man, sitting alone in his own house, what
books he may read or what films he may watch." - Justice
Thurgood Marshall writing the majority opinion in STANLEY v.
When the "Patriot Act" was first passed just six weeks after the
attacks of 9/11 it included several provisions that were, well,
un-American. One of the worst allows the government to go before
a secret court to get a secret subpoena to access just about any
records they want from libraries and bookstores to find out
who's reading what. Included in the subpoenas is a gag order for
the librarians and booksellers that threatens them with jail
time if they tell anyone (you, for example) about the search.
And because of the secrecy and gag orders these subpoenas can
never be challenged because the victims don't know about them
and the librarians and booksellers can't talk about them. <1>
When they finally got around to actually reading the Patriot
Act, many Members of Congress were concerned about this
intrusion on our liberties. Rep. Bernie Sanders pulled together
a coalition from the left and the right to overturn this madness
and last year offered an amendment to the budget forbidding any
money to be spent on these secret searches, essentially ending
them. Miracle of miracles, despite strong pressure from the
Republican leadership the amendment passed the House. Then, in
another un-American - and unprecedented - move the Republican
leadership said that the vote wasn't actually over and then
spent hours twisting arms getting Republican legislators to
change their votes. They kept this up until they had turned
enough votes and then, BANG, voting was ended. Shocking. For
those of you keeping score, that's parliamentary hijinks to
overturn a majority vote so that secret courts and gag orders
could be maintained.
Well, Rep. Sanders and his colleagues are going to try again
this week and this time we think they might win. Please take a
moment to join with the American Booksellers Association and the
American Library Association in telling your Congressmember to
support the Freedom to Read Protection Act. If you are a member
of TrueMajorityACTION, just click "Reply" and "Send" in your
email program to send a message (text below). If this email was
forwarded to you or you want to edit the message just click this
link: hear a fascinating story about how the system is supposed to
work click here: and
check out an NPR story about one library system that challenged
a conventional subpoena and won. <2> The lesson here is that if
the FBI had used the Patriot Act instead of traditional laws the
librarians couldn't have appealed and the subpoena couldn't have
been overturned.
Thanks for helping,
Andrew Greenblatt
Online Organizer
P.S. For those of you who may have feared that I was shipped off
to Guantanamo, or worse, I was just on paternity leave. Nothing
focuses your attention on improving our country quite like
having a baby. It's good to be back.
<1> For the record, Attorney General Gonzales claims there have
never been any secret searches. This "trust me" is from the same
guy who thinks it really isn't torture if all your vital organs
are still working.
<2> NPR report about a Washington State library that was ability
to fight off a standard subpoena: is the letter we'll send to your Congressmember:
Dear Representative:
I urge you to join with legislators on both sides of the aisle
in supporting the Freedom to Read Act. The USA PATRIOT act gave
law enforcement officials new powers to conduct searches of
bookstore and library records that eliminate the safeguards
against unreasonable searches we rely on as a free people.
If the Freedom to Read Act passes law enforcement agencies will
still be able to search these records if they receive a valid
warrant, but any attempt to overreach can be checked by an
appeals process that has protected all of our rights for
hundreds of years. As an American I deserve nothing less.
Thank you for supporting freedom.